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Potente processore Intel® Xeon® E e una memoria DDR4 ECC fino a 128 GB Progettato per i carichi di lavoro aziendali pesanti, il TS-h2287XU-RP presenta una potenza di elaborazione estrema per gestire le prestazioni delle macchine virtuali. Supportando una memoria DDR4 ECC da 128 GB per una richiesta elevata di multitasking, il TS-h2287XU-RP offre prestazioni di livello server affidabili ed efficienti in termini di costi per soddisfare la sempre più crescente richiesta da parte dell’IT aziendale. Architettura di archiviazione ibrida, ottimizzata per l'accelerazione della cache SSD Rispetto ai tradizionali array di archiviazione, l’archiviazione ibrida TS-h2287XU-RP bilancia costi, prestazioni e capacità. Grazie ai sedici alloggiamenti SATA 6Gb/s da 3,5” per HDD, e sei slot SSD SATA 6Gb/s da 2,5”, il TS-h2287XU-RP supporta la cache SSD per migliorare i carichi di lavoro a uso intensivo di IOPS per l’accesso ai dati importanti. I backup multipli di Hybrid Backup Sync assicurano la protezione dei tuoi dati La regola di backup 3-2-1 é un piano affidabile per il disaster recovery, restano il modo migliore per proteggere i dati. È possibile eseguire un ulteriore backup dei backup archiviati sul NAS su un altro NAS QNAP, server remoto, o archiviazione cloud e ripristinarli rapidamente quando necessario. Riduzione dati Troppi dati, e poco tempo per il backup? La tecnologia QuDedup potenzia le attività di backup con la deduplica basata sull’origine per ottimizzare le dimensioni dei file per ottenere vantaggi in termini di tempo e spazio di archiviazione. Backup e ripristino saranno ancora più rapidi! Versioning Eseguendo diverse versioni di backup è possibile ridurre il rischio di perdita dei dati. QuDedup è particolarmente utile per l'accelerazione dei backup multi-versione per offrire una maggiore protezione contro la perdita di dati. Crittografia È possibile crittografare/comprimere i file prima di eseguirne il backup o la sincronizzazione. Ciò impedisce in modo efficace l'accesso non autorizzato oltre ad offrire un livello aggiuntivo di protezione per i dati aziendali. Rete intelligente Seleziona automaticamente le porte di rete fisiche migliori per l'attività, supporta il failover automatico per garantire la continuità dei servizi ed esegue automaticamente lo scambio una volta che si riconnette la porta di rete migliore. Automazione dei processi Impostare il processo di backup su ciascun NAS per consentire a più NAS di completare automaticamente tutti i processi. Sia in caso di migrazione di big data o di backup su più destinazioni, il personale IT può semplificare i flussi di lavoro con una sola impostazione. Hardware di livello server: Solido e a prestazioni elevate Il TS-h2287XU-RP dispone di hardware di qualità elevata e architettura espandibile che consentono di raggiungere prestazioni ottimali e flessibilità per soddisfare i requisiti di diverse applicazioni. Pronto per 10GbE e 2,5GbE. Veloce per le attività a richiesta elevata di banda. Il TS-h2287XU-RP offre due porte 2,5GbE RJ45 (retrocompatibili con 1G/100M) e connettività 10GBASE-T a due porte. Il supporto per trunking di porta e failover aumentano ulteriormente la banda e l'affidabilità per le applicazioni importanti tra cui virtualizzazione, trasferimenti di grandi quantità di file, backup/ripristino ad alta velocità, e applicazioni in tempo reale. QNAP offre inoltre di scegliere tra diversi switch 2,5GbE/10GbE gestiti e non gestiti che aiutano le organizzazioni a implementare gli ambienti di rete ad alta velocità, sicuri e scalabili senza incidere sul budget. Espansione PCIe Gen 4 flessibile Il TS-h2287XU-RP è dotato di uno slot PCIe Gen 4. Con il doppio delle prestazioni I/O di PCIe Gen 3, il TS-h2287XU-RP può sfruttare i vantaggi offerti dalle schede PCIe per espandere il potenziale applicativo. Scheda grafica Supporta schede grafiche di base che non richiedono ulteriore alimentazione. L’aggiunta di una scheda grafica può semplificare l’editing video, la transcodifica e consentire il pass-through GPU sulle macchine virtuali. Schede di rete 10/25GbE Offrono un throughput velocissimo per le attività avide di banda con flussi di lavoro fluidi e maggiore produttività. Schede QM2 Aggiunge la cache SSD M.2 o la connettività 2,5GbE/10GbE per ottimizzare prestazioni e banda. Scheda grafica Supporta schede grafiche di base che non richiedono ulteriore alimentazione. L’aggiunta di una scheda grafica può semplificare l’editing video, la transcodifica e consentire il pass-through GPU sulle macchine virtuali. Schede di rete 10/25GbE Offrono un throughput velocissimo per le attività avide di banda con flussi di lavoro fluidi e maggiore produttività. Il sistema operativo QuTS hero basato su ZFS migliora le prestazioni del NAS e l’integrità dei dati QuTS hero combina QTS basato su applicazioni con un file system ZFS a 128-bit per offrire una gestione flessibile dell’archiviazione, protezione completa dei dati e prestazioni ottimizzate per affrontare la complessità e la richiesta di prestazioni dell’IT moderno. Dalla gestione dell’archiviazione, alla virtualizzazione ai flussi multimediali di collaborazione, QuTS hero semplifica le attività aziendali importanti. L’integrità dei dati è importante La riparazione automatica di QuTS hero garantisce l’integrità dei dati e affidabilità. Supporta inoltre Write Once, Read Many (WORM). La riduzione dei dati migliora l’efficienza dell’archiviazione e le prestazioni La deduplica, compressione e compattazione interne dei dati riducono le dimensioni dei file per conservare la capacità di archiviazione ed ottimizzare le prestazioni. Tecnologia cache multi-livello Per migliorare le prestazioni e la sicurezza sono inoltre supportate cache di lettura della memoria principale (L1 ARC), cache di lettura di secondo livello SSD (L2 ARC), e log ZFS Intent (ZIL) per transazioni sincrone con protezione da guasti nell’alimentazione. RAID Z consente una solida protezione dei dati Livelli RAID multipli consentono un uso flessibile della capacità. RAID Triple Parity e Triple Mirror offrono un livello elevato di protezione dei dati. QSAL (QNAP SSD Antiwear Leveling) migliora la protezione dei dati La durata degli SSD a livello RAID viene regolarmente e automaticamente rilevata per impedire il malfunzionamento simultaneo degli SSD, migliorando in questo modo la protezione dei dati e l’affidabilità del sistema. App Center espande l’ecosistema delle funzionalità del NAS Applicazioni per backup/sincronizzazione, macchine virtuali/container, gestione dei contenuti, produttività e altre funzioni possono essere utilizzate per espandere il potenziale applicativo del NAS. Deduplica, compressione e compattazione inline dei dati per migliorare la durata degli SSD QuTS hero supporta le tecnologie di riduzione avanzata dei dati basata su blocco (inclusa la deduplica, compressione e compattazione in linea dei dati) per ridurre la dimensione dei file, risparmiare lo spazio di archiviazione, ed ottimizzare le prestazioni. Ad esempio, se vengono replicate sul NAS 20 macchine virtuali utilizzando lo stesso template, allora i requisiti di spazio per tutte e 20 le macchine virtuali può essere ridotto fino al 95%. Sia in caso di archiviazione principale o di backup, il TDS-h2489FU ottimizza l’uso dell’archiviazione per offrire una base di archiviazione affidabile nell’era dei Big Data. Le soluzioni all-flash sono pertanto in grado di ottenere una maggiore efficienza in termini di costi migliorando allo stesso tempo sia le prestazioni di scrittura casuale che la durata degli SSD. Soluzione completa di backup e disaster recovery Il TS-h2287XU-RP supporta diverse applicazioni per tutte le esigenze di backup. Una buona abitudine IT è di eseguire regolarmente il backup dei file e dei contenuti del dispositivo in modo da poterli ripristinare con semplicità quando necessario. Backup remoto per il NAS Hybrid Backup Sync rende semplice il backup dei dati da un TS-h2287XU-RP a un altro NAS QNAP o server remoto per per una strategia di backup 3-2-1. Snapshot multi-versione per mitigare le minacce di ransomware Il TS-h2287XU-RP supporta le snapshot basate su blocco che registrano lo stato del sistema in qualsiasi istante. Aiutano a proteggere i dati consentendo un ripristino in qualsiasi punto del tempo per mitigare sensibilmente le minacce di ransomware. Fino a 65.536 snapshot QuTS hero supporta snapshot quasi illimitate consentendo di creare 1 snapshot ogni ora per 7 anni senza doverle eliminare! La tecnologia COW (Copy-on-write) rende la creazione degli snapshot quasi immediata senza influire sulla scrittura dei dati in corso. Backup delle snapshot Moltiplicare la protezione dei dati eseguendo il backup dei file delle snapshot! Replicare le snapshot di volume/LUN dal TS-h2287XU-RP a un NAS remoto (Replica snapshot) copiando solo le modifiche eseguite. Per risparmiare tempo e larghezza di banda, eseguibile manualmente o con pianificazione. Backup VM Sfruttare il backup VMware® e Hyper-V VM senza licenza grazie al backup incrementale lato sorgente, deduplica globale e compressione del ripristino. Backup SaaS Proteggere i dati cloud aziendali eseguendo il backup/sincronizzazione di file, e-mail, calendari, e contatti da Google™ Workspace e Microsoft® Office 365® al NAS. Backup cloud per il NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supporta le principali archiviazioni cloud per il backup dei dati del NAS. Per il backup su archiviazione cloud oggetto, è particolarmente utile VJBOD Cloud perché riduce l’uso della banda e la durata del backup. Tecnologia QuDedup Hybrid Backup Sync elimina i dati ridondanti all’origine ed esegue il backup dei dati deduplicati, aiutando a risparmiare tempo e costi per l'archiviazione e offrendo allo stesso tempo backup multi-versione efficienti. SnapSync in tempo reale SnapSync in tempo reale sincronizza immediatamente le modifiche ai dati con l’archiviazione di destinazione per garantire che il NAS primario e secondario contengano sempre gli stessi dati. RPO è minimo per ottenere il recupero dei disastri in tempo reale. Soluzione completa per ospitare macchine virtuali e container L’esecuzione di più macchine virtuali e container sul TS-h2287XU-RP, consente di implementare ambienti multi-tenant ed applicazioni per aumentare l’efficienza di gestione e risparmiare sui costi dell’hardware. Associato all’app Rete e Switch virtuale che migliora l’interoperabilità tra macchine virtuali, container, NAS QNAP ed altri dispositivi periferici presenti nella rete, è possibile allocare in modo flessibile le risorse di rete fisiche e virtuali per rendere più semplice l’installazione della rete. Virtualization Station Eseguire più macchine virtuali Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™ e QuTScloud e accedervi tramite browser web o VNC (Virtual Network Computing). Le aziende possono eseguire le applicazioni server virtualizzate su un singolo NAS senza dover aggiungere fisicamente altri server. Container Station Provare le tecnologie di virtualizzazione leggere Docker®, LXD e Kata Containers, scaricare le applicazioni dal Docker Hub Registry® integrato, importare/esportare i container, e creare numerosi microservizi. Linux Station Eseguire le applicazioni Linux® (incluse le applicazioni dal Software Center) direttamente sul NAS e accedere da remoto al desktop Linux® da un browser Web. La piattaforma open-source Linux® è inoltre ideale per lo sviluppo Internet of Thing. NAS virtuale QuTScloud QuTScloud è un’appliance virtuale basata sul sistema operativo QTS. Le aziende possono avviare rapidamente QuTScloud su hypervisor, inclusi Linux® KVM, Microsoft® Hyper-V, e VMware ESXi™, per acquisire le funzioni avanzate del NAS senza richiedere ulteriore hardware per il NAS. Sicurezza completa e impostazione dei privilegi Il TS-h2287XU-RP è caricato con impostazioni flessibili dei privilegi e misure di sicurezza. Oltre al blocco dell’IP, verifica in 2 fasi, connessione HTTPS, sono disponibili diverse applicazioni che garantiscono una protezione ottimale del NAS contro le minacce di malware e hacker. Impostazioni dei privilegi semplificate Il TS-h2287XU-RP supporta l’impostazione completa dei diritti di accesso per le cartelle condivise, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, e Windows ACL per aiutare il personale IT a gestire in modo efficiente gli account utente e i diritti di accesso per più sistemi NAS. QuWAN SD-WAN Per facilitare la trasformazione digitale, l’espansione multi sito e il lavoro remoto, QuWAN SD-WAN aiuta a creare automaticamente un mesh VPN multi sito. Dispone di crittografia IPsec e gestione incentrata sul cloud, che consentono di proteggere la rete multi sito inclusi NAS QNAP e piattaforme VMware ESXi. Consulente sicurezza Un portale sicurezza per il TS-h2287XU-RP per verificare dei punti deboli oltre a offrire consigli per il miglioramento della sicurezza del NAS. Integra inoltre un software di scansione anti-virus e anti-malware. Malware Remover Scansionare regolarmente il TS-h2287XU-RP usando le definizioni malware più recenti. In caso di rilevamento di file infetti, questi saranno rimossi immediatamente per garantire la sicurezza dei dati del NAS. Accesso remoto TeamViewer L’applicazione TeamViewer consente la gestione remota e la connettività verso diversi dispositivi NAS da PC Windows® con un livello di sicurezza senza precedenti, aumentando allo stesso tempo l’efficienza IT e la produttività dell’utente finale. Il miglior centro di archiviazione dei file e collaborazione Il TS-h2287XU-RP integra molte applicazioni per il salvataggio, gestione, sincronizzazione, ricerca e archiviazione dei file. Supporta i protocolli SMB/CIFS, AFP, e NFS per semplificare la condivisione dei file tra Windows®, Mac®, e Linux®/UNIX®, oltre a offrire una soluzione NAS intelligente per la gestione professionale dei file. File Station Gestire, accedere e condividere tutti i file nel TS-h2287XU-RP e visualizzare i file delle snapshot, tutto dal browser Web. È anche possibile montare in modo semplice le cartelle NAS remote e l’archiviazione cloud. Qsync Rendere disponibile qualsiasi file caricato sul TS-h2287XU-RP sui dispositivi collegati, come computer, laptop e dispositivi mobili. È possibile sincronizzare le cartelle condivise e le cartelle del team per la condivisione dei file di gruppo, migliorando la collaborazione e i progetti per un team. Qsirch Il potente strumento di ricerca simile a Google sviuppato da QNAP che aiuta a trovare rapidamente immagini, musica, video, documenti ed e-mail utilizzando parole chiave, colori e altre condizioni di ricerca. Supporta inoltre Qfiling per eseguire le attività di archiviazione una tantum od automatiche in base ai criteri di ricerca. Supporto gratuito per exFAT exFAT è un file system che supporta files fino a 16EB ed è ottimizzato per l’archiviazione flash (come schede SD e dispositivi USB) per aiutare ad accelerare il trasferimento e condivisione di grandi quantità di file multimediali. Creare un ambiente Fibre Channel SAN affidabile I dispositivi SAN (Storage Area Networks) Fibre Channel sono spesso molto costosi. Installando schede di espansione QNAP 16Gb/32Gb Fibre Channel a due porte sul TS-h2287XU-RP, sono disponibili più scelte economiche per l’aggiunta di un NAS ad un ambiente SAN. È possibile configurare un Fibre Channel Target usando l’applicazione iSCSI e Fibre Channel. Inoltre, le funzioni masking LUN e binding porta offrono un livello aggiuntivo di sicurezza dei dati. Soluzione di sorveglianza intelligente con sicurezza 24/7 QVR Elite è una soluzione di sorveglianza intelligente basata su abbonamento di QNAP che consente di creare in modo semplice un sistema di sorveglianza con TCO ridotto e scalabilità elevata. Le registrazioni sono salvate come file MP4 per consentire la riproduzione su quasi tutti i dispositivi. QVR Elite integra inoltre le soluzioni basate su AI di QNAP per creare un riconoscimento intelligente dei visi per i punti vendita ed i sistemi di controllo delle porte con NAS QNAP. È possibile organizzare uno spazio di archiviazione indipendente dedicato per i dati di sorveglianza sul TS-h2287XU-RP e sfruttare la gestione semplificata delle telecamere, l’allocazione dello spazio di archiviazione, la visualizzazione e riproduzione dal vivo delle telecamere. Canali integrati gratuiti 2 canali telecamera IP Canali telecamera totali Scalabile con licenze opzionali Formato video MP4 App mobile QVR Pro Client e app mobile Archiviazione scalabile Unità di espansione NAS Espansione flessibile ed economica dell'archiviazione QNAP offre metodi semplici per espandere la capacità di archiviazione. Di seguito diversi modi per espandere l'archiviazione del TS-h2287XU-RP come necessario per soddisfare la crescita dei dati e dell'azienda. Installare le unità di espansione QNAP Collegare le unità di espansione al TS-h2287XU-RP, e gestire l’espansione dell’archiviazione del NAS grazie all’applicazione Gestione archiviazione e snapshot facile da usare. Montare l’archiviazione cloud o file server remoti Montare l’archiviazione cloud o file server remoti per espandere la capacità del TS-h2287XU-RP e allo stesso tempo gestire centralmente i file sul NAS, archiviazione cloud e dispositivi remoti. Migrare su un nuovo NAS Installare i dischi rigidi NAS in un NAS QNAP più grande e conservare tutti i dati e le configurazioni esistenti. Aggiornare la capacità RAID Eseguire lo swapping a caldo delle unità più piccole con unità con maggiore capacità per espandere la capacità del NAS in modo che possa crescere con l'azienda. Altre applicazioni che aumentano la produttività Il TS-h2287XU-RP offre un App Center che include applicazioni ricche di funzioni per espandere il potenziale del NAS! QuMagie Un’applicazione di gestione delle foto gestita da AI in grado di supportare la categorizzazione automatica delle foto con gli album AI, la visualizzazione di iOS® Live Photo, e potenti strumenti di ricerca per creare una eccellente soluzione di gestione e condivisione delle foto. QuObjects Eseguire un ambiente di sviluppo compatibile con S3 ad alte prestazioni sul TS-h2287XU-RP per semplificare i flussi di lavoro di sviluppo del servizio, dal test alla produzione. È possibile spostare i dati cold dal cloud ad un QuObjects locale per risparmiare sui costi dell’archiviazione cloud. Centro notifica Consolida tutti gli eventi di sistema, avvisi e notifiche di per una gestione semplificata del NAS, restando sempre informati sullo stato del NAS. Server proxy Utilizzando un TS-h2287XU-RP ad alta capacità come proxy server, sarà possibile accedere efficientemente alle risorse online con maggiore ottimizzazione dei costi e produttività e migliorando, nel contempo, la sicurezza di rete. QmailAgent La migliore soluzione di backup delle e-mail che consente di eseguire in modo semplice il backup/ripristino e di gestire diversi account e-mail nel loro formato nativo con elevata sicurezza e integrità dei dati. QuFTP Il TS-h2287XU-RP può essere utilizzato come server FTP dotato di crittografia SSL/TLS, controlli della banda di QoS, e impostazione delle autorizzazioni per eseguire in modo efficiente e sicuro il trasferimento di grandi quantità di dati. È supportato anche il Client FTP. Controllo dell’integrità dei dischi rigidi I dischi sono il cuore del NAS, per questo è molto importante garantirne l’integrità e affidabilità a lungo termine. QNAP offre diversi metodi e strumenti per aiutare a monitorare l’integrità dei dischi , in modo da prendere decisioni proattive per la protezione di dati e file. Scansione S.M.A.R.T. e blocchi danneggiati Nel caso di segnalazione di anomalia di uno dei valori S.M.A.R.T., o vengono rilevati blocchi danneggiati, è possibile agire in modo tempestivo e sostituire le unità prima di potenziali perdite dei dati. DA Drive Analyzer DA Drive Analyzer sfrutta l’AI basata su cloud ULINK per predire la durata prevista dei dischi, aiutando nella pianificazione della sostituzione anticipata delle unità per proteggere contro l’inattività del NAS e la perdita dei dati. Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management Quando sono utilizzati i dischi rigidi supportati da IronWolf™ o IronWolf Pro™, il sistema viene migliorato globalmente offrendo opzioni di prevenzione, intervento e recupero attivabili. Passa al sistema operativo QTS in maniera flessibile Il TS-h2287XU-RP supporta inoltre il sistema operativo NAS standard di QNAP, QTS, che offre prestazioni eccezionali tutti i giorni, utilizzo efficiente della memoria e i vantaggi offerti dalla suddivisione automatica Qtier. È inoltre possibile migrare le unità dal NAS basato su QTS corrente al TS-h2287XU-RP. QTS Adatto per attività che richiedono alte performance, sincronizzazione dei file tra i team e applicazioni di memorizzazione ibride HDD e SSD QuTS hero Dotato di un’alta ed affidabile protezione e riduzione dati e ottimizzato per applicazioni basate su SSD

QNAP NAS - 22-Bay 3U rackmount NAS, Intel® Xeon® E-2336 6…

Potente processore Intel® Xeon® E e una memoria DDR4 ECC fino a 128 GB Progettato per i carichi di…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-185912
EAN 4711103082270

QNAP NAS - 1U 4-Bay rackmount NAS, Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095…

Gestito da un processore quad-core Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095 (fino a 2,9GHz), il TS-464U offre…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-185917
EAN 4713213517642

QNAP NAS 4-bay 1U short depth 12" rackmount NAS, Intel®…

NAS per montaggio su rack 1U a profondità ridotta 2,5GbE aggiornabile con slot SSD M.2 NVMe per…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-185489
EAN 4713213517642
Gestito da un processore quad-core Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095 (fino a 2,9GHz), il TS-464U-RP offre due porte 2,5GbE RJ45 e trunking di porta per una banda combinata fino a 5Gbps. L’uscita 4K HDMI integrata consente la visualizzazione di multimedia e macchine virtuali. Grazie a uno slot PCIe Gen 3, il TS-464U-RP offre la possibilità di estendere in modo flessibile le funzionalità del NAS, e di installare diverse schede: una scheda 10GbE/5GbE, scheda QM2 per la cache SSD M.2, o Edge TPU per il riconoscimento delle immagini AI. Il TS-464U-RP supporta inoltre la crittografia AES 256-bit per garantire la riservatezza dei dati aziendali sensibili senza incidere sulle prestazioni del sistema. Per garantire il massimo tempo di attività del sistema, il TS-464U-RP offre anche l’alimentazione ridondata. Dispone di un slot PCIe Gen 3 x2 che consentono l’installazione di varie schede di espansione per espandere il potenziale applicativo. Il TS-464U-RP può essere idealmente associato agli switch 2,5GbE/10GbE gestiti e non gestiti di QNAP per creare ambienti di rete ad alta velocità, sicuri e scalabili senza incidere sul budget. QNAP offre inoltre schede PCIe 2,5GbE/5GbE/10GbE e adattatori USB 5GbE per le workstation Windows®/Linux® che consentono di creare in modo semplice un ambiente di rete ad alta velocità per una maggiore collaborazione nel team. Supporta le snapshot basate su blocco che registrano lo stato del sistema in qualsiasi istante. Aiutano a proteggere i dati consentendo un ripristino in qualsiasi punto del tempo per mitigare sensibilmente le minacce di ransomware.

QNAP NAS 4-Bay 1U rackmount NAS, Intel Celeron N5105/N5095 quad-core,…

Gestito da un processore quad-core Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095 (fino a 2,9GHz), il TS-464U-RP…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181970
The QuTS hero NAS TS-h2483XU-RP is powered by an Intel® Xeon® E processor with up to 128 GB DDR4 Error Correcting Code (ECC) memory to deliver server-grade performance with dependable reliability. Running the ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system, the TS-h2483XU-RP supports near-limitless snapshots, real-time SnapSync, block-level inline data deduplication, and inline data compression. The TS-h2483XU-RP helps your business achieve reliable service-level agreement performance, whether as a mission-critical file server, virtualization server, VDI, collaborative video editing, or efficient file backup and recovery applications. Intel® Xeon® E processors deliver extraordinary performance Powered by an Intel® Xeon® E-2236 6 cores/12 threads 3.4 GHz processor (Burst up to 4.8 GHz), the TS-h2483XU-RP has enormous processing power to drive virtual machine performance. Combined with 128 GB DDR4 ECC memory and a redundant power supply, the TS-h2483XU-RP delivers cost-effective server-grade performance for complex multitasking and dependable reliability in enterprise IT environments. 10GbE connectivity for high-speed data transfer The TS-h2483XU-RP provides four Gigabit RJ45 ports, and also supports 10GbE connectivity with a pre-installed dual-port 10GBASE-T network expansion card and a dual-port 10GbE SFP+ SmartNIC to satisfy bandwidth-demanding applications (including virtualization, large file sharing, and high-speed backup and recovery). QNAP also offers numerous options of managed and unmanaged 10GbE switches with 10GbE SFP+/RJ45 and Multi-Gigabit NBASE-T™ support, assisting organizations in implementing high-speed, secure and scalable network environments without going over budget. Abundant I/O capability with PCIe expansion The TS-h2483XU-RP features 5 PCIe slots that enable using numerous expansion cards for greater application potential. ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system enhances NAS performance and data integrity QuTS hero combines the app-based QTS with the 128-bit ZFS file system to provide flexible storage management, comprehensive data protection, and optimized performance to tackle the complexity and performance demands of modern IT. From storage management, virtualization, to collaborative media workflows, QuTS hero streamlines your business-critical tasks. Tiered storage configuration for a QuTS hero NAS Follow these steps to acquire optimal storage efficiency and performance for QuTS hero. Inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction drives Big Data storage efficiency QuTS hero supports advanced block-based data reduction technologies (including inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction) to reduce file sizes, conserve storage capacity, and optimize performance. For example, if 20 virtual machines on a NAS are replicated using the same template, then storage space requirements for all 20 virtual machines can be reduced by up to 95%. Whether acting as primary or backup storage, the TS-h2483XU-RP optimizes storage utilization to provide a reliable storage cornerstone in the Big Data era. Real-time SnapSync ensures minimal RPO with real-time disaster recovery Real-time SnapSync ensures that both the primary and secondary NAS maintain identical data. When data is written to the source, it is immediately written to the destination. If the primary NAS goes offline, IT staff can simply adjust the privilege settings of the secondary NAS to ensure continuous operations. SnapSync provides the strongest support for nonstop business operations and helps users to reduce the risk of data loss. All-in-one virtual machine and container hosting solution You can count on Virtualization Station and Container Station for comprehensive virtualization support. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. License-free VMware® and Hyper-V backup appliance With Hyper Data Protector, the TS-h2483XU-RP becomes an agentless backup tool for unlimited VMware® vSphere and Microsoft® Hyper-V VM backup. Hyper Data Protector features incremental backup, global deduplication, backup scheduling and recovery compression. Hyper Data Protector also simultaneously backs up multiple VMs, providing you with a cost-effective and reliable disaster recovery plan, ensuring 24/7 service operation. Move business data to the cloud and enjoy low latency access to cloud-based data The TS-h2483XU-RP perfectly integrates NAS with mainstream cloud services. By deploying cloud storage gateways and enabling local caching on the TS-h2483XU-RP, organizations can seamlessly use the cloud for storage, backup, and data recovery with low-latency access. This greatly helps in realizing cost-effective, flexible and secure hybrid cloud applications. High-performance, reliable storage solution for virtualization - Supports block-based iSCSI LUN as a high-performance, reliable, and affordable storage solution for VMware®, Microsoft® Hyper-V®, and Windows Server® 2019 virtualization environments. - Supports VMware VAAI and Microsoft ODX to increase performance by offloading server loading for ESXi server and Hyper-V respectively, and supports QNAP vSphere Client plug-in with enhanced operational efficiency and management in virtualization applications. Build an affordable Fibre Channel SAN environment Common Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SAN) devices are often costly. By installing QNAP dual-port 16Gb/32Gb Fibre Channel expansion cards in the TS-h2483XU-RP, you have more budget-friendly options to add a NAS to a SAN environment. You can set a Fibre Channel Target using the iSCSI & Fibre Channel app. Moreover, the LUN Masking and Port Binding features provide an additional layer of data security.

QNAP NAS - 30-Bay 4U rackmount NAS, Intel® Xeon® E-2378 8…

The QuTS hero NAS TS-h2483XU-RP is powered by an Intel® Xeon® E processor with up to 128 GB DDR4…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181932
Storage ibrido con potente espansione PCIe Gen 4 pronta ad una connessione 10GbE, supporta sistemi operativi QuTS Hero o QTS Il TS-h1887XU-RP ad alta capacità è gestito da un processore della serie Intel® Xeon® E-2300 di prossima generazione, supporta una memoria DDR4 ECC fino a 128 GB, oltre a offrire un’architettura di archiviazione ibrida HDD/SSD che bilancia le prestazioni e i costi per offrire prestazioni di livello server. Eseguendo il sistema operativo QuTS hero basato su ZFS, il TS-h1887XU-RP enfatizza l’integrità dei dati grazie alla deduplica interna dei dati, snapshot quasi illimitate, SnapSync in tempo reale, e QSAL (QNAP SSD Antiwear Leveling) per offrire una soluzione di archiviazione ideale che soddisfa i requisiti delle aziende moderne in termini di server file, server di virtualizzazione, VDI, e backup/ripristino. Rispetto ai tradizionali array di archiviazione, l’archiviazione ibrida TS-h1887XU-RP bilancia costi, prestazioni e capacità. Grazie ai dodici alloggiamenti SATA 6Gb/s da 3,5” per HDD, e sei slot SSD SATA 6Gb/s da 2,5”, il TS-h1887XU-RP supporta la cache SSD per migliorare i carichi di lavoro a uso intensivo di IOPS per l’accesso ai dati importanti. Il TS-h1887XU-RP offre due porte 2,5GbE RJ45 (retrocompatibili con 1G/100M) e connettività 10GBASE-T a due porte. Il supporto per trunking di porta e failover aumentano ulteriormente la banda e l'affidabilità per le applicazioni importanti tra cui virtualizzazione, trasferimenti di grandi quantità di file, backup/ripristino ad alta velocità, e applicazioni in tempo reale. QNAP offre inoltre di scegliere tra diversi switch 2,5GbE/10GbE gestiti e non gestiti che aiutano le organizzazioni a implementare gli ambienti di rete ad alta velocità, sicuri e scalabili senza incidere sul budget. QuTS hero supporta le tecnologie di riduzione avanzata dei dati basata su blocco (inclusa la deduplica, compressione e compattazione in linea dei dati) per ridurre la dimensione dei file, risparmiare lo spazio di archiviazione, ed ottimizzare le prestazioni. Ad esempio, se vengono replicate sul NAS 20 macchine virtuali utilizzando lo stesso template, allora i requisiti di spazio per tutte e 20 le macchine virtuali può essere ridotto fino al 95%. Sia in caso di archiviazione principale o di backup, il TDS-h2489FU ottimizza l’uso dell’archiviazione per offrire una base di archiviazione affidabile nell’era dei Big Data. Le soluzioni all-flash sono pertanto in grado di ottenere una maggiore efficienza in termini di costi migliorando allo stesso tempo sia le prestazioni di scrittura casuale che la durata degli SSD.

QNAP NAS 18-Bay 2U rackmount NAS, Intel® Xeon® E-2336 6 cores…

Storage ibrido con potente espansione PCIe Gen 4 pronta ad una connessione 10GbE, supporta sistemi…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181927

QNAP NAS - 9-Bay 2U rackmount NAS, Intel® Xeon® E-2334 4 cores…

The TS-h987XU-RP is powered by the next-gen Intel® Xeon® E-2344 quad-core processor, supports up…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181522
EAN 4711103082300
TS-i410X Wide temperature & fanless 10GbE industrial NAS for harsh environments. Long-term availability. With a fanless design and rock-solid chassis, the TS-i410X industrial grade NAS is designed for harsh environments. The TS-i410X can operate in temperatures of -40 ~ 70 Celsius (-40°F ~ 158°F) while its 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply is ideal for factories, warehouses, transportation, and other rugged operating environments. Quad cores up to 3.0 GHz with AES-NI accelerated encryption The TS-i410X is powered by Intel® Atom® x6425E quad-core processor (burst up to 3.0 GHz) and equipped with 8 GB dual-channel memory. With hardware-accelerated AES-NI encryption, the TS-i410X also provides unmatched encryption performance while ensuring the safety of sensitive business data stored in the NAS. The TS-i410X has four 2.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s SSD slots for allocating SSDs (industrial SSDs are recommended) to greatly boost IOPS to meet the performance requirements of demanding applications. Long-term availability The TS-i410X will be available and supported for an extended period, making it an ideal choice for MSP, SI, and other IT-related businesses and commercial use requiring matching NAS models for long-term projects. Industrial-grade hardened hardware design with 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply With a fanless design and rock-solid chassis and compliant with the military-grade MIL-STD-810H the TS-i410X can operate in -40 ~ 70 Celsius (-40°F ~ 158°F) environments. It can be used as a set-top box, or used with the optional VESA 75 wall-mount to provide installation flexibility. With the 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply, the TS-i410X is suitable for industrial and transportation applications with a variety of input voltage requirements. Use with industrial wide temperature SSDs When using industrial wide temperature SSDs, adjust the disk warning setting to 85°C (185°F) in the Storage & Snapshots to match the upper limit of SSD operating temperature. (The default temperature is 70°C for SSDs) Build a high-speed 10GbE network environment The TS-i410X provides two 10GBASE-T (10G/5G/2.5G/1G) ports. With QNAP’s comprehensive, budget-friendly storage and networking solutions you can easily and flexibly upgrade workplace or home networks to handle bandwidth-hungry applications. A fast 10GbE NAS A QNAP NAS featuring one or more 10GbE ports, and Port Trunking allows you to combine multiple ports for greater bandwidth potential. Upgrade computers and servers Servers and desktops can install PCIe QNAP network cards that support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Multi-Gig. Add a 10GbE port to laptops Laptops can use QNAP’s portable Thunderbolt™ to 10GbE adapter to upgrade to 10GbE via Thunderbolt™ 3. A 10GbE switch QNAP’s 10GbE Multi-Gigabit switches support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M and allow connecting multiple workstations and devices. The industrial-grade full 10GbE switch QSW-IM1200-8C is recommended for high-speed network deployment in rugged industrial environments. Paired with an industrial-grade 10GbE switch Boost your entire network performance with 10GbE! QNAP’s QSW-IM1200-8C industrial-grade full 10GbE switch is a perfect match for the TS-i410X to accelerate high-speed and reliable network deployment in the rugged environments. The QSW-IM1200-8C switch features a robust industrial-grade hardware design, provides Layer 2 management functions with a user-friendly interface, and comes with redundant DC power for reliable operations, fulfilling bandwidth-demanding tasks for the variable industrial network environments. Multiple USB ports for UPS, and more With four USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) ports, you can quickly backup and transfer large files to/from the TS-i410X. A wide range of USB devices, such as external hard drive or uninterruptible power supply (UPS), are also supported to provide greater functionality and application potential. Direct 4K HDMI output for multimedia and virtual machines The TS-i410X features Intel® UHD Graphics that supports hardware decoding and real-time transcoding*. The HDMI output supports up to 4K @30Hz, providing great benefits for applications like video production/editing or industrial design that demands high resolution as well as intensive media storage, transfer and display. By connecting the TS-i410X to an HDMI display, you can operate virtual machines from Virtualization Station or Linux Station, or directly watch multimedia content saved on the NAS. Leverage the M.2 SSD to 2.5-inch SATA Adapter Install one or more QDA-A2MAR adapter in the TS-i410X to maximize the storage utilization of available 2.5-inch drive bays by using M.2 SATA SSDs. It boosts storage efficiency by creating SSD volumes, tiered-storage environment with Qtier technology, or SSD caching. Users can monitor drive health and manage SSD usage from the QTS Storage & Snapshots Manager. Smart surveillance solution for 24/7 security QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-i410X and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Free embedded channels 2 IP camera channels Total camera channels Scalable with optional licenses Subscription-based Monthly US $1.99 /channel Video format MP4 Mobile app QVR Pro Client and mobile app Scalable storage NAS expansion units QTS 5, Fast, smooth, and easy-to-use! The TS-i410X comes with the QTS 5 operating system as standard, providing a next-generation usage experience with an updated system kernel, optimized user interface, and advanced security features. Brighter. Smoother. You’ll like it. When navigating QTS 5, you will notice a finer attention to detail for a superior browsing experience. Enjoy a smoother NAS experience, comfortable visual design, and find your favorite apps quicker. Get started with the notice board When performing first-time installation, the notice board guides you through the setup process. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions for a quick and easy setup. Smooth and reactive user interface Whether clicking buttons, switching between apps, expanding/collapsing windows – every action is much smoother. The search bar in the main menu also assists in quickly finding desired apps. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-i410X supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-i410X to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-i410X supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Volume and LUN snapshots Take snapshots in seconds and revert the entire volume/LUN back to a specific point in time to prevent loss of important data. Instantly restore snapshots Snapshot content can be quickly restored to a local NAS, or restored on a folder/file basis to a local/remote NAS or cloud storage. You can also conveniently view and restore snapshots from the client side. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-i410X to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-i410X integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-i410X and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-i410X available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-i410X is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. Simplified privilege settings The TS-i410X supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-i410X as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-i410X to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-i410X, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. The open-source Linux® platform is also ideal for Internet of Things development. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-i410X storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-i410X, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-i410X while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices.

QNAP TS-473 NAS Tower Ethernet LAN Black

TS-i410X Wide temperature & fanless 10GbE industrial NAS for harsh environments. Long-term…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181384
EAN 4711103081464
TS-h1090FU ZFS-based, 1U high-density U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4 / SATA 6Gbps SSD all-flash storage built for low-latency file servers, virtualized workloads, data centers, and 4K/8K streams The TS-h1090FU high-density NVMe all-flash storage is designed for providing extreme performance with high cost-efficiency. Featuring ten U.2 NVMe Gen 4 x4 SSD bays, the TS-h1090FU delivers remarkable random read/write IOPS with ultra-low latency. The ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system supports inline data deduplication and compression for reducing I/O and SSD storage consumption, which significantly extends SSD lifespan with a higher price-performance ratio for all-flash storage arrays. Ideal for I/O-intensive and latency-sensitive applications, the TS-h1090FU eliminates productivity bottlenecks in virtualization, modern data centers, multimedia storage, and mission-critical backup/restore tasks?suitable for Tier 2 storage workloads with an ideal low cost-per-GB. Build high-performance storage infrastructure for IOPS-demanding applications Virtualization Eliminates storage bottlenecks for unstructured data and I/O intensive workloads; ideal for server virtualization and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Data Centers Delivers ultra-low latency and high IOPS performance, providing response times within microseconds for data centers that host significant business-critical systems and data. Media and Entertainment (M&E) production Satisfies smooth 4K/8K media streaming and post-production, empowering multimedia workflows with faster data transfer, access, and backup for boosted efficiency. Powerful, reliable, and multitasking with up to 1 TB DDR4 ECC memory The TS-h1090FU is armed with 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processors (Rome), based on the “Zen 2” architecture with cutting-edge 7nm process technology. With DDR4 ECC memory that detects and corrects single-bit memory errors for higher reliability, the TS-h1090FU provides 12 Long-DIMM slots for up to 1 TB memory to fulfill memory-intensive workloads. Demonstrating immense computing power and multi-tasking capabilities, the TS-h1090FU is the ideal choice for uncompromising performance demands in HPC, virtualization, and 4K/8K multimedia applications. U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4 x4 – faster speed, optimal I/O, and lower latency The 1U rackmount TS-h1090FU has 10 drive bays that support high-performance U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4 x4 SSDs or economical SATA 6Gb/s SSDs. Latency-sensitive applications can be bolstered with U.2 NVMe PCIe SSDs to attain optimized performance and utmost application response times. Coupled with powerful ZFS data deduplication and SSD optimization technologies, the TS-h1090FU provides solid foundations for overcoming performance demands while also maximizing your SSD investments! Leverage the M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD to U.2 Adapter Install one or more QDA adapters in the TS-h1090FU to maximize PCIe bandwidth utilization in a cost-effective way by using M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD instead of the U.2 SSD for optimizing data-intensive applications. It can also boost IOPS performance when configuring SSD caching. Users can monitor drive health and manage SSD usage from the QTS Storage & Snapshots Manager. The M.2 SSD installed in the QDA adapter is hot swappable. Dual 25GbE connectivity multiplies all-flash superior performance The NVMe-ready TS-h1090FU provides breakthrough network connectivity with two 25GbE SFP28 SmartNIC ports (compatible with 10GbE SFP+ / 1GbE SFP) that also support iSCSI Extensions for RDMA (iSER) to increase performance of data transfer between NAS and VMware® ESXi server and offload CPU workloads. With Port Trunking and Auto-Negotiation, the TS-h1090FU empowers your organization with the bandwidth and reliability to allow thousands of endpoint users to smoothly access data stored on the NAS while satisfying the most performance-demanding applications. The TS-h1090FU is also ideally matched with QNAP’s managed and unmanaged 2.5GbE/10GbE/25GbE switches to form high-speed, secure, and scalable network environments without going over budget. Multiple PCIe Gen 4 slots for flexible expansion The TS-h1090FU is equipped with two PCIe Gen 4 slots. With twice the I/O performance of PCIe Gen 3, the TS-h1090FU can take advantage of PCIe cards to expand application potential. Robust hardware paralleled to boost all-flash NVMe performance TS-h1090FU features high-level hardware with an expandable architecture to provide businesses with high performance and low latency access. ZFS-based QuTS hero operating system enhances NAS performance and data integrity QuTS hero combines the app-based QTS with the 128-bit ZFS file system to provide flexible storage management, comprehensive data protection, and optimized performance to tackle the complexity and performance demands of modern IT. From storage management, virtualization, to collaborative media workflows, QuTS hero streamlines your business-critical tasks. Data integrity is key QuTS hero’s self-healing ensures data integrity and reliability. Write Once, Read Many (WORM) is also supported. Data reduction improves storage efficiency and performance Inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction reduce file sizes to conserve storage capacity and optimize performance. Multi-level cache technology Main memory read cache (L1 ARC), SSD second-level read cache (L2 ARC), and ZFS Intent Log (ZIL) for synchronous transactions with power failure protection are supported to boost performance and security. RAID Z enables robust data protection Multiple RAID levels allow flexible capacity utilization. RAID Triple Parity and Triple Mirror deliver higher levels of data protection. QSAL (QNAP SSD Antiwear Leveling) enhances data protection RAID-level SSD lifespan is automatically and regularly detected to prevent simultaneous SSD failure, improving your data protection and system reliability. App Center ecosystem extends NAS functionality Apps for backup/sync, virtual machines/containers, content management, productivity, and more features can be used to expand the application potential of the NAS. Inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction improve SSD endurance QuTS hero supports advanced block-based data reduction technologies (including inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction) to reduce file sizes, conserve storage capacity, and optimize performance. For example, if 20 virtual machines on a NAS are replicated using the same template, then storage space requirements for all 20 virtual machines can be reduced by up to 95%. Whether acting as primary or backup storage, the TS-h1090FU optimizes storage utilization to provide a reliable storage cornerstone in the Big Data era. All-flash solutions thus achieve higher cost efficiency while improving both random write performance and SSD lifespan. More SSD performance and lifespan optimization technologies Write Coalescing Transforms all random writes to sequential writes along with reduced I/O, effectively increasing write performance in all-flash environments. Pool Over-provisioning Dedicated space can be flexibly reserved in an SSD storage pool to allow new data to be written into a complete block even if the pool is almost full, thus improving the performance of fragmented pools. TRIM Allows QuTS hero to inform SSDs to delete unneeded data blocks and process the deletion tasks during system idle times, meaning it does not have to wait for when new data is written to the block. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-h1090FU supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-h1090FU to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. SaaS backup Safeguard enterprise cloud data by backing up/syncing files, emails, calendars, and contacts from Google™ Workspace and Microsoft® Office 365® to the NAS. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. Real-time SnapSync Real-time SnapSync immediately synchronizes data changes with the destination storage, ensuring the primary and secondary NAS always have the same data. RPO is minimal to achieve real-time disaster recovery. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-h1090FU supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Up to 65,536 snapshots QuTS hero supports enough snapshots for you to create 1 snapshot every hour for 7 years without needing to delete any! Copy-on-write technology makes snapshot creation almost instantaneous without affecting ongoing data writing. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-h1090FU to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-h1090FU, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) By installing an SR-IOV compatible PCIe SmartNIC in the TS-h1090FU, you can allocate bandwidth resources from a physical network card directly to VMs, increasing network efficiency and reduced CPU overheads. QuTScloud virtual NAS QuTScloud is a virtual appliance based on the QTS operating system. Enterprises can quickly launch QuTScloud on hypervisors including Linux® KVM, Microsoft® Hyper-V, and VMware ESXi™ to acquire advanced NAS features without requiring additional NAS hardware. Reliable, high-performance storage for virtualization The TS-h1090FU supports block-based iSCSI LUN as a reliable, high-performance, and affordable storage solution for mainstream virtualization environments. It supports VMware® VAAI and Microsoft® ODX to increase performance by offloading server loading for ESXi server and Hyper-V respectively. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-h1090FU is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. Simplified privilege settings The TS-h1090FU supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-h1090FU as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. QuWAN SD-WAN To facilitate digital transformation, multi-site expansion and remote working, QuWAN SD-WAN helps automatically mesh multi-site VPN. It features IPsec encryption and cloud-centric management, allowing secure multi-site network including QNAP NAS and VMware ESXi platforms. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-h1090FU to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Malware Remover Regularly scan your TS-h1090FU using the latest malware definitions. If infected files are detected, they will be immediately removed to ensure NAS data security. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-h1090FU integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-h1090FU and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-h1090FU available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Free exFAT support exFAT is a file system that supports files up to 16EB and is optimized for flash storage (such as SD cards and USB devices) - helping accelerate large media file transfer and sharing. Build an affordable Fibre Channel SAN environment Common Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SAN) devices are often costly. By installing QNAP dual-port 16Gb/32Gb Fibre Channel expansion cards in the TS-h1090FU, you have more budget-friendly options to add a NAS to a SAN environment. You can set a Fibre Channel Target using the iSCSI & Fibre Channel app. Moreover, the LUN Masking and Port Binding features provide an additional layer of data security. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-h1090FU storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-h1090FU, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-h1090FU while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices. Migrate to a new NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations. Upgrade RAID capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your NAS capacity so it can grow with your business. A health check for your hard drives Hard drives are at the heart of your NAS, and ensuring their long-term health and reliability is absolutely crucial. QNAP provides various methods and tools to help you monitor hard drive health, ensuring that you can take proactive decisions to safeguard your data and files. S.M.A.R.T. and back block scanning If any of the S.M.A.R.T. values are reported as abnormal, or bad blocks are detected, you can take early action and replace drives before potential data loss occurs. DA Drive Analyzer The DA Drive Analyzer leverages ULINK cloud-based AI to predict the expected lifespan of drives, assisting you in planning future drive replacements to protect against NAS downtime and data loss. Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management When using supported IronWolf™ or IronWolf Pro™ hard drives, overall system reliability is improved by providing you with actionable prevention, intervention, and recovery options. Flexibly switch to QTS operating system The TS-h1090FU also supports QTS - QNAP’s standard NAS operating system – that provides greater everyday performance, efficient memory utilization, and the advantage of Qtier auto-tiering. You can also migrate drives from your current QTS-based NAS to the TS-h1090FU. QTS Suited for performance-demanding tasks, cross-teams file sync, and HDD-SSD hybrid storage applications QuTS hero Featuring highly reliable data protection and data reduction, and optimized for SSD-based applications

QNAP NAS - 1U 10-bay all flash NAS, U.2/U.3 NVMe PCIe Gen4 x4 and SATA…

TS-h1090FU ZFS-based, 1U high-density U.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4 / SATA 6Gbps SSD all-flash storage built…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-180929
EAN 4711103082126
TS-435XeU Short depth rackmount 4-bay NAS, supporting 2.5GbE/10GbE connectivity and M.2 NVMe SSD caching The compact and feature-rich TS-435XeU provides a professional-grade quad-core NAS solution in short depth rackmount form factor. The native 10GbE SFP+ and 2.5GbE connectivity alongside M.2 NVMe SSD slots that enable cache acceleration allows businesses to efficiently tackle everyday tasks like file backup/restore and to boost team collaboration with higher productivity. The space-efficient short depth design makes the TS-435XeU easy to install in small media cabinets or places with a lot of cabling. Supporting abundant business applications (including file sharing and sync, snapshot protection, containerization, cloud storage gateways, and video streaming), expandable storage capacity, and install-on-demand apps, the TS-435XeU is an ideal cost-effective entry-level rackmount NAS. Smaller footprint for bigger opportunities Compared to a traditional 4-bay rackmount NAS, the compact TS-435XeU has a depth of only 11.49 inches (292 mm). This makes the TS-435XeU an excellent choice for smaller racks, and the unused space can be reserved for cabling or ventilation. The TS-435XeU is space-saving for flexible deployment and is especially suitable for multiple locations and applications including offices, audiovisual rooms, and security surveillance recording. Robust quad-core 2.2 GHz processor The TS-435XeU is powered by an OCTEON TX2™ infrastructure Marvell® CN9130 series CN9131 ARM®v8 Cortex-A72 quad-core 2.2 GHz processor that features integrated workload-optimized hardware accelerators to meet performance, power and total cost of ownership requirements. The TS-435XeU comes with 4 GB DDR4 memory that can be upgraded to 32 GB for enhanced multi-tasking capabilities, and SATA 6 Gb/s support ensures maximum performance from storage drives. Streamlined workflows with high-speed 10GbE and 2.5GbE The TS-435XeU has two 10GbE SFP+ ports and two 2.5GbE RJ45 ports for high-speed networking to satisfy bandwidth-demanding applications (including massive file transfer, high-speed backup/restoration, containers, and multimedia transmission) with the support of port trunking and load balancing. QNAP’s managed and unmanaged 2.5GbE/10GbE switches are a perfect match for organizations to build budget-friendly high-speed networks for productive team collaboration. Future-proof your IT infrastructure for high-speed networks QNAP provides comprehensive, budget-friendly storage and networking solutions, allowing you to easily and flexibly upgrade network environments for bandwidth-hungry applications. 2.5GbE/10GbE NAS A fast NAS with one or more 2.5GbE/10GbE LAN ports. Upgrade computers and servers Computers and servers with available PCIe slots can install QNAP network expansion cards that support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Multi-Gig. Add Ethernet ports to laptops Laptops and computers can use a QNAP USB 3.2 Gen 1 to 5GbE adapter that supports N-BASET/Multi-Gig. A switch that supports 2.5GbE+ QNAP switches allow connecting multiple workstations and devices for high-speed collaboration. Get performance benefits from SSD caching and Qtier Technology To attain optimal I/O and reduce latency, you can configure SSD caching by using either 2.5-inch SSDs or the two built-in M.2 2280 SSD slots (supports high-performance NVMe PCIe Gen 3 SSDs, sold separately) in the TS-435XeU. Coupled with QNAP’s SSD-aware features, the TS-435XeU maximizes performance with high cost-effectiveness. SSD over-provisioning (Over-provisioning) Add additional SSD over-provisioning to avoid write amplification and improve SSD random write speeds and endurance. You can potentially attain enterprise-grade SSD performance levels from affordable consumer-grade SSDs! SSD cache acceleration Enables SSD caching for increasing IOPS performance and reducing latency for storage volumes, ideal for IOPS-demanding applications. Qtier for auto-tiering Qtier Technology drives auto-tiered storage with continuous data optimization across high-performance SSDs and high-capacity HDDs based on access frequency. I/O-Aware Qtier can reserve a cache-like space in the SSD tiered to handle burst I/O in real time. Host container applications Container Station integrates Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies. You can download apps from the built-in Docker Hub® to easily import/export container apps and manage access controls, enjoying the benefit of easy installation, transferability and high-efficiency. A multimedia server for video streaming The short depth TS-435XeU can be easily placed in a media cabinet. By installing streaming apps such as Plex® Media Server from the QTS App Center, you can stream media files stored on the TS-435XeU to mobiles and media streaming devices (including DLNA®, Roku®, Amazon Fire TV® and Google Chromecast™). Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-435XeU supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-435XeU to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-435XeU supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Volume and LUN snapshots Take snapshots in seconds and revert the entire volume/LUN back to a specific point in time to prevent loss of important data. Instantly restore snapshots Snapshot content can be quickly restored to a local NAS, or restored on a folder/file basis to a local/remote NAS or cloud storage. You can also conveniently view and restore snapshots from the client side. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-435XeU to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-435XeU is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. myQNAPcloud secures remote access myQNAPcloud allows convenient connection to the TS-435XeU through the Internet without any complex DDNS settings. To ensure your remote access service is secure, myQNAPcloud strengthens keys on SSL Certificates to 2048-bits. Simplified privilege settings The TS-435XeU supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-435XeU as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-435XeU to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Malware Remover Regularly scan your TS-435XeU using the latest malware definitions. If infected files are detected, they will be immediately removed to ensure NAS data security. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-435XeU integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-435XeU and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-435XeU available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. Smart surveillance solution for 24/7 security QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-435XeU and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-435XeU storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-435XeU, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-435XeU while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices. Migrate to a new NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations. Upgrade RAID capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your NAS capacity so it can grow with your business. More productivity-boosting applications The TS-435XeU provides an App Center that includes feature-rich apps to expand your NAS potential! QuMagie An AI-powered photo management app, supporting automated photo categorization with AI Albums, iOS® Live Photo display, and powerful search tools for the ultimate photo management and sharing solution. Notification Center Consolidates all system events, alerts, and notifications for smooth and easy NAS management, keeping you always informed of your NAS status. Qmiix An Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution that enables you to connect apps and devices with QNAP NAS for automating daily tasks for greater productivity. Proxy Server By using a high-capacity TS-435XeU as a proxy server, online resources can be efficiently accessed with greater cost-savings and productivity, while network security is also enhanced at the same time. QmailAgent Centralize multiple email accounts and protect your data by using secondary backup, making managing and backing up emails absolutely easy. QuFTP The TS-435XeU can perform as an FTP server featuring SSL/TLS encryption, QoS bandwidth controls, and permission settings for efficiently and securely transferring large amounts of data. FTP Client is also supported. A health check for your hard drives Hard drives are at the heart of your NAS, and ensuring their long-term health and reliability is absolutely crucial. QNAP provides various methods and tools to help you monitor hard drive health, ensuring that you can take proactive decisions to safeguard your data and files. S.M.A.R.T. and back block scanning If any of the S.M.A.R.T. values are reported as abnormal, or bad blocks are detected, you can take early action and replace drives before potential data loss occurs. DA Drive Analyzer The DA Drive Analyzer leverages ULINK cloud-based AI to predict the expected lifespan of drives, assisting you in planning future drive replacements to protect against NAS downtime and data loss Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management When using supported IronWolf™ or IronWolf Pro™ hard drives, overall system reliability is improved by providing you with actionable prevention, intervention, and recovery options.

QNAP NAS - 4-bay 1U short-depth 12" NAS, Marvell Octeon TX2…

TS-435XeU Short depth rackmount 4-bay NAS, supporting 2.5GbE/10GbE connectivity and M.2 NVMe SSD…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-178698
EAN 4713213519332
Cost-effective 10GbE-ready ZFS storage for virtualization and data-intensive enterprise applications Intel® Xeon® D processor and up to 128 GB DDR4 ECC memory. Powerful and reliable The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 features an Intel® Xeon® D-1622 quad-core processor, 32 GB DDR4 ECC memory (dual-channel module, four Long-DIMM slots, upgradable to 128 GB), and dual redundant power supplies to deliver a cost-efficient NAS solution with server-grade performance and the utmost reliability. By connecting multiple QNAP expansion enclosures, the storage capacity of the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 can be easily expanded to satisfy fast-growing data and budget flexibility. ECC memory forestalls data corruption to assure reliability The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 uses ECC memory that can detect and correct single-bit memory errors as they occur to prevent downtime and data loss, which is essential for always-on, mission-critical, server-grade applications. The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 supports dual-channel DDR4 memory in four Long-DIMM slots. When using paired memory modules, the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 can leverage the power of dual-channel architecture to boost performance. You can also customize the memory configuration (supports up to 128 GB RAM) of the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 for greater performance to tackle dynamically-changing workloads, such as virtualization. Dual 10GbE connectivity optimizes high-speed data transfer and supports RDMA/RoCE The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 comes with a pre-installed dual-port 10GbE SFP+ Smart NIC (that uses the NVIDIA® Mellanox ConnectX®-4 Lx, or the same level SmartNIC) to improve bandwidth-demanding data center and virtualization applications and to support RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE and RoCEv2), allowing data to bypass general network drivers, the socket layer, and directly enter ESXi server and storage memory buffer. RoCE technology can improve NAS performance while lowering CPU consumption of applications that use an Ethernet network, ideal for low-latency and high-speed large data transfer. Four 2.5GbE ports to redefine upgraded connectivity Compared with the previous model, the data transmission speed of TS-h1886XU-RP R2 is increased by 250% to handle multiple key business tasks. HDD + SSD hybrid structure to optimize storage performance and utilization The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 features outstanding hardware and expandable architecture, enabling optimum performance and flexibility to satisfy business needs in various applications. Abundant I/O capability with PCIe expansion The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 has two PCIe Gen3 x4 slots (one slot pre-installed with a dual-port 10GbE expansion card) and one PCIe Gen2 x4 slot that allow for installing various expansion cards to expand application potential. Build an affordable Fibre Channel SAN environment Common Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SAN) devices are often costly. By installing QNAP dual-port ###TS-h1886XU-RP R2-fc### Fibre Channel expansion cards in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2, you have more budget-friendly options to add a NAS to a SAN environment. You can set a Fibre Channel Target using the iSCSI & Fibre Channel app. Moreover, the LUN Masking and Port Binding features provide an additional layer of data security. Build an affordable Fibre Channel SAN environment Common Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks (SAN) devices are often costly. By installing QNAP dual-port ###TS-h1886XU-RP R2-fc### Fibre Channel expansion cards in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2, you have more budget-friendly options to add a NAS to a SAN environment. You can set a Fibre Channel Target using the iSCSI & Fibre Channel app. Moreover, the LUN Masking and Port Binding features provide an additional layer of data security. Data integrity is key QuTS hero’s self-healing ensures data integrity and reliability. Write Once, Read Many (WORM) is also supported. Data reduction improves storage efficiency and performance Inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction reduce file sizes to conserve storage capacity and optimize performance. Multi-level cache technology Main memory read cache (L1 ARC), SSD second-level read cache (L2 ARC), and ZFS Intent Log (ZIL) for synchronous transactions with power failure protection are supported to boost performance and security. RAID Z enables robust data protection Multiple RAID levels allow flexible capacity utilization. RAID Triple Parity and Triple Mirror deliver higher levels of data protection. QSAL (QNAP SSD Antiwear Leveling) enhances data protection RAID-level SSD lifespan is automatically and regularly detected to prevent simultaneous SSD failure, improving your data protection and system reliability. App Center ecosystem extends NAS functionality Apps for backup/sync, virtual machines/containers, content management, productivity, and more features can be used to expand the application potential of the NAS. Tiered storage configuration for a QuTS hero NAS Basic requirements for setup are similar to QTS. We recommend you to follow these steps to acquire optimal storage efficiency and performance for QuTS hero. Inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction drives Big Data storage efficiency QuTS hero supports advanced block-based data reduction technologies (including inline data deduplication, compression, and compaction) to reduce file sizes, conserve storage capacity, and optimize performance. For example, if 20 virtual machines on a NAS are replicated using the same template, then storage space requirements for all 20 virtual machines can be reduced by up to 95%. Whether acting as primary or backup storage, the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 optimizes storage utilization to provide a reliable storage cornerstone in the Big Data era. Real-time SnapSync ensures minimal RPO with real-time disaster recovery Real-time SnapSync ensures that both the primary and secondary NAS maintain identical data. When data is written to the source, it is immediately written to the destination. If the primary NAS goes offline, IT staff can simply adjust the privilege settings of the secondary NAS to ensure continuous operations. SnapSync provides the strongest support for nonstop business operations and helps users to reduce the risk of data loss. Snapshots multiply backup protection Attain peace of mind with near-limitless, instant snapshots. Copy-on-write technology makes snapshot creation almost instantaneous without affecting ongoing data writing. Snapshot Replica replicates snapshot files to the backup NAS, simplifying data protection with version control. HBS simplifies 3-2-1 backup plans HBS centralizes backup, restoration, and synchronization for easily transferring data in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 to another QNAP NAS, remote server, or cloud storage space. HBS supports QuDedup technology that eliminates redundant data at the source and makes multi-version backup faster. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-h1886XU-RP R2 to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. SaaS backup Safeguard enterprise cloud data by backing up/syncing files, emails, calendars, and contacts from Google™ Workspace and Microsoft® Office 365® to the NAS. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Up to 65,535 snapshots QuTS hero supports enough snapshots for you to create 1 snapshot every hour for 7 years without needing to delete any! Copy-on-write technology makes snapshot creation almost instantaneous without affecting ongoing data writing. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. Reliable, high-performance storage for virtualization The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 supports block-based iSCSI LUN as a reliable, high-performance, and affordable storage solution for mainstream virtualization environments. It supports VMware® VAAI and Microsoft® ODX to increase performance by offloading server loading for ESXi server and Hyper-V respectively. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-h1886XU-RP R2, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. The open-source Linux® platform is also ideal for Internet of Things development. Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) By installing an SR-IOV compatible PCIe SmartNIC in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2, you can allocate bandwidth resources from a physical network card directly to VMs, increasing network efficiency and reduced CPU overheads. QuTScloud virtual NAS QuTScloud is a virtual appliance based on the QTS operating system. Enterprises can quickly launch QuTScloud on hypervisors including Linux® KVM, Microsoft® Hyper-V, and VMware ESXi™ to acquire advanced NAS features without requiring additional NAS hardware. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. myQNAPcloud secures remote access myQNAPcloud allows convenient connection to the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 through the Internet without any complex DDNS settings. To ensure your remote access service is secure, myQNAPcloud strengthens keys on SSL Certificates to 2048-bits. Simplified privilege settings The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. QuWAN SD-WAN To facilitate digital transformation, multi-site expansion and remote working, QuWAN SD-WAN helps automatically mesh multi-site VPN. It features IPsec encryption and cloud-centric management, allowing secure multi-site network including QNAP NAS and VMware ESXi platforms. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Malware Remover Regularly scan your TS-h1886XU-RP R2 using the latest malware definitions. If infected files are detected, they will be immediately removed to ensure NAS data security. TeamViewer remote access TeamViewer app enables remote management and connectivity to multiple NAS devices from Windows® PCs with an unparalleled level of safety, while increasing IT efficiency and end user productivity. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-h1886XU-RP R2 available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. Smart surveillance solution for 24/7 security QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-h1886XU-RP R2 storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-h1886XU-RP R2, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices. Migrate to a new NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations. Upgrade RAID capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your NAS capacity so it can grow with your business. More productivity-boosting applications The TS-h1886XU-RP R2 provides an App Center that includes feature-rich apps to expand your NAS potential! QuObjects Run a high-performance S3 compatible development environment on your TS-h1886XU-RP R2 to simplify service development workflows from testing to production. You can also move cold data from the cloud to an on-premises QuObjects to save cloud storage costs. Notification Center Consolidates all system events, alerts, and notifications for smooth and easy NAS management, keeping you always informed of your NAS status. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Linux® Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. It also makes the TS-h1886XU-RP R2 an ideal gateway for IoT solutions. Proxy Server By using a high-capacity TS-h1886XU-RP R2 as a proxy server, online resources can be efficiently accessed with greater cost-savings and productivity, while network security is also enhanced at the same time. A health check for your hard drives Hard drives are at the heart of your NAS, and ensuring their long-term health and reliability is absolutely crucial. QNAP provides various methods and tools to help you monitor hard drive health, ensuring that you can take proactive decisions to safeguard your data and files. S.M.A.R.T. and back block scanning If any of the S.M.A.R.T. values are reported as abnormal, or bad blocks are detected, you can take early action and replace drives before potential data loss occurs. DA Drive Analyzer The DA Drive Analyzer leverages ULINK cloud-based AI to predict the expected lifespan of drives, assisting you in planning future drive replacements to protect against NAS downtime and data loss. Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management When using supported IronWolf™ or IronWolf Pro™ hard drives, overall system reliability is improved by providing you with actionable prevention, intervention, and recovery options.

QNAP NAS - 18-Bay SATA 6Gbps (12 x 3.5" + 6 x 2.5") 2U NAS,…

Cost-effective 10GbE-ready ZFS storage for virtualization and data-intensive enterprise applications…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-172555
EAN 4711103081242
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