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QNAP NAS - 4-bay NAS, AMD Ryzen V1000 series V1500B 4C/8T 2.2GHz, 8GB…

QNAP TS-473A + QSW-1105-5T Bundle Pack. Tipi di unità di archiviazione supportate: HDD & SSD,…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-197381
EAN 4711103084656

QNAP NAS - 5-bay All-Flash NASbook; Intel Core i3-1320PE 8C(4P+4E)/12T…

Date un boost la vostra creatività con il velocissimo NASbook Thunderbolt™ 4 All-Flash Progettato…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-197378
EAN 4711103084526

QNAP NAS - 4-Bay desktop NAS, Intel® Celeron® N4505 dual-core,…

QNAP TS-462-4G. Tipi di unità di archiviazione supportate: HDD & SSD, Interfacce dell'unità di…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-188600
EAN 4711103080030
TS-464 Il NAS Intel quad-core con due porte 2,5GbE supporta la cache SSD M.2 e l’espandibilità PCIe per una trasmissione ad alta velocità ed applicazioni di virtualizzazione Gestito da un processore Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095 quad-core (fino a 2,9GHz), il TS-464 offre due porte 2,5GbE RJ45 e trunking di porta per una banda combinata fino a 5Gbps. Grazie agli slot M.2 PCIe Gen3 e PCIe Gen 3, il TS-464 offre flessibilità per estendere le funzionalità del NAS, consentendo di installare una scheda QM2 per la cache SSD M.2, o Edge TPU per il riconoscimento delle immagini AI e diverse schede di rete 10GbE/5GbE. Il TS-464 dispone di 4 GB di RAM per l’esecuzione di VM e container leggeri, e supporta supporta multi-cloud, gateway di archiviazione cloud, uscita 4K HDMI e transcodifica in tempo reale, oltre ad una capacità di archiviazione espandibile ed applicazioni ricche di funzioni per l’esecuzione di un NAS 2,5GbE affidabile ed economico. Processore quad-core ad alte prestazioni e fino a 16 GB di RAM Il TS-464 è gestito da un processore Intel Celeron N5105 / N5095 quad-core e supporta fino a 16 GB di memoria DDR4, due porte 2,5GbE e unità SATA 6 Gb/s. Il motore di crittografia Intel® AES-NI integrato aiuta inoltre a proteggere i dati riservati senza incidere sulle prestazioni del sistema. Riconoscimento accelerato delle immagini gestito da AI e cache con TPU ed espansione PCIe Il TS-464 è dotato di due slot M.2 PCIe Gen 3 che consentono la cache SSD o pool di archiviazione SSD per prestazioni migliorate o Edge TPU per il riconoscimento delle immagini AI. Installare gli SSD M.2 NVMe per l'accelerazione della cache o suddivisione efficiente dell’archiviazione Il TS-464 supporta la cache SSD e dispone di due slot M.2 che supportano SSD M.2 PCIe NVMe1 con fattore di forma 2280 (venduti separatamente) per migliorare le prestazioni globali del NAS. È inoltre possibile utilizzare la tecnologia Qtier™ per potenziare il TS-464 con il tiering automatico che aiuta a ottimizzare continuamente l’efficienza dell'archiviazione tra tutti i dispositivi di archiviazione installati. Accelerare il riconoscimento delle immagini gestito da AI con TPU Sfruttando Google Edge TPU per QNAP AI Core (il motore di riconoscimento delle immagini gestito da AI), il TS-464 può eseguire il riconoscimento ad alta velocità di volti ed oggetti. Google Edge TPU consente a QuMagie di elaborare rapidamente migliaia di foto con il riconoscimento e classificazione delle immagini AI ad alta velocità, e a QVR Face di analizzare i video in tempo reale per il riconoscimento immediato dei volti. Cache SSD e tiering automatico per un'efficienza di archiviazione ottimizzata 24/7 Con il continuo calo del costo degli SSD e il continuo aumento della capacità e prestazioni degli SSD, le organizzazioni possono sfruttare i vantaggi della solidità degli SSD. Il TS-464 supporta diverse funzioni SSD-aware che massimizzano in modo significativo le prestazioni del NAS con un risparmio elevato in termini di costi. Semplificare i trasferimenti di file di grandi dimensioni e il video editing con 2,5GbE Il TS-464 dispone di due porte LAN 2,5GbE RJ45 (2,5G/1G/100M) che consentono di utilizzare i cavi CAT5e esistenti per aggiornare le velocità di rete da 1 Gigabit a 2,5 Gigabit. Le due porte 2,5GbE supportano inoltre il trunking di porta per velocità di trasmissione fino a 5 Gbps, migliorando l’efficienza delle applicazioni aziendali a uso intensivo della banda come i trasferimenti di grandi quantità di file, backup/ripristino rapido, e trasferimento e modifica multimediale. Infrastruttura IT pronta per il futuro per reti ad alta velocità Il TS-464 può essere idealmente associato agli switch 2,5GbE/10GbE gestiti e non gestiti di QNAP per creare ambienti di rete ad alta velocità, sicuri e scalabili senza incidere sul budget. QNAP offre inoltre schede PCIe 2,5GbE/5GbE/10GbE e adattatori USB 5GbE per le workstation Windows®/Linux® che consentono di creare in modo semplice un ambiente di rete ad alta velocità per una maggiore collaborazione nel team. Produttività migliorata con porte USB multiple Con due porte USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) e due porte USB 2.0 (480Mbps), è possibile eseguire rapidamente il backup e il trasferimento di grandi quantità di file su/dal TS-464. È inoltre possibile collegare UPS e altri dispositivi periferici USB compatibili per maggiori funzionalità e potenziale applicativo. Elevate capacità I/O con l’espansione PCIe Il TS-464 dispone di un slot PCIe Gen 3 x2 che consentono l’installazione di varie schede di espansione per espandere il potenziale applicativo. Uscita 4K HDMI diretta da display multimediale e macchina virtuale Il TS-464 dispone di Intel® UHD Graphics che supporta la decodifica hardware a due canali e la transcodifica in tempo reale*. L’uscita HDMI 2.0 supporta fino a 4K, fornendo grandi vantaggi ad applicazioni come la produzione/editing video o il design industriale che richiedono una risoluzione elevata e realismo del colore, nonché un livello intensivo di archiviazione, trasferimento, e visualizzazione dei file multimediali. Collegando il TS-464 a un display HDMI, è possibile guardare direttamente i contenuti multimediali salvati sul NAS, o usare il TS-464 come workstation versatile trasmettendo direttamente le macchine virtuali da Virtualization Station o Ubuntu Linux Station. Identificazione più rapida delle immagini con il motore AI Intel® OpenVINO™ integrato. Grazie alle risorse di calcolo AI integrate di Intel® OpenVINO™, il TS-464 accelera le prestazioni per il riconoscimento delle immagini AI senza incidere su altre applicazioni o servizi. QNAP AI Core funziona principalmente con l’applicazione QuMagie. QTS 5, veloce, fluido e facile da usare! Il TS-464 dispone del sistema operativo QTS 5 che offre un’esperienza di utilizzo di prossima generazione con un kernel di sistema aggiornato, interfaccia utente ottimizzata e funzioni di sicurezza avanzate. Più brillante. Più fluido. Ti piacerà. Il nuovo stile di navigazione in QTS 5, denota una maggiore attenzione ai dettagli. Un'esperienza NAS più fluida, un design visivo confortevole e ricerca più rapida delle applicazioni preferite. Partiamo dalla bacheca Durante la prima installazione, la bacheca guida attraverso il processo di configurazione. Seguire semplicemente le istruzioni per configurare in modo semplice e rapido. Interfaccia utente fluida e reattiva Sia quando si fa clic sui pulsanti, si passa da un’applicazione all’altra, si espandono/comprimono le finestre, tutte le azioni sono molto più fluide. La barra delle ricerche nel menu principale aiuta inoltre a trovare rapidamente le applicazioni desiderate. Soluzione completa di backup e disaster recovery Il TS-464 supporta diverse applicazioni per tutte le esigenze di backup. Una buona abitudine IT è di eseguire regolarmente il backup dei file e dei contenuti del dispositivo in modo da poterli ripristinare con semplicità quando necessario. Backup da PC/laptop Per Windows®, installare NetBak Replicator per il backup del PC sul NAS QNAP. In macOS®, è sufficiente configurare Time Machine® integrato per proteggere i dati. Backup remoto per il NAS Hybrid Backup Sync rende semplice il backup dei dati da un TS-464 a un altro NAS QNAP o server remoto per per una strategia di backup 3-2-1. Backup VM Sfruttare il backup VMware® e Hyper-V VM senza licenza grazie al backup incrementale lato sorgente, deduplica globale e compressione del ripristino. Backup SaaS Proteggere i dati cloud aziendali eseguendo il backup/sincronizzazione di file, e-mail, calendari, e contatti da Google™ Workspace e Microsoft® Office 365® al NAS. Backup cloud per il NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supporta le principali archiviazioni cloud per il backup dei dati del NAS. Per il backup su archiviazione cloud oggetto, è particolarmente utile VJBOD Cloud perché riduce l’uso della banda e la durata del backup. Tecnologia QuDedup Hybrid Backup Sync elimina i dati ridondanti all’origine ed esegue il backup dei dati deduplicati, aiutando a risparmiare tempo e costi per l'archiviazione e offrendo allo stesso tempo backup multi-versione efficienti. Snapshot multi-versione per mitigare le minacce di ransomware Il TS-464 supporta le snapshot basate su blocco che registrano lo stato del sistema in qualsiasi istante. Aiutano a proteggere i dati consentendo un ripristino in qualsiasi punto del tempo per mitigare sensibilmente le minacce di ransomware. Snapshot di volume e LUN Scattare le snapshot in pochi secondi e ripristinare l’intero volume/LUN ad un punto specifico nel tempo per evitare la perdita di dati importanti. Ripristino immediato delle snapshot Il contenuto della snapshot può essere ripristinato velocemente su un NAS locale oppure ripristinato su base cartella/file in un NAS locale/remoto o su uno spazio di archiviazione cloud. È anche possibile visualizzare e ripristinare in modo semplice le snapshot dal lato client. Backup delle snapshot Moltiplicare la protezione dei dati eseguendo il backup dei file delle snapshot! Replicare le snapshot di volume/LUN dal TS-464 a un NAS remoto (Replica snapshot) copiando solo le modifiche eseguite. Per risparmiare tempo e larghezza di banda, eseguibile manualmente o con pianificazione. Soluzione completa per ospitare macchine virtuali e container L’esecuzione di più macchine virtuali e container sul TS-464, consente di implementare ambienti multi-tenant ed applicazioni per aumentare l’efficienza di gestione e risparmiare sui costi dell’hardware. Associato all’app Rete e Switch virtuale che migliora l’interoperabilità tra macchine virtuali, container, NAS QNAP ed altri dispositivi periferici presenti nella rete, è possibile allocare in modo flessibile le risorse di rete fisiche e virtuali per rendere più semplice l’installazione della rete. Virtualization Station Eseguire più macchine virtuali Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™ e QuTScloud e accedervi tramite browser web o VNC (Virtual Network Computing). Le aziende possono eseguire le applicazioni server virtualizzate su un singolo NAS senza dover aggiungere fisicamente altri server. Container Station Provare le tecnologie di virtualizzazione leggere Docker®, LXD e Kata Containers, scaricare le applicazioni dal Docker Hub Registry® integrato, importare/esportare i container, e creare numerosi microservizi. Linux Station Eseguire le applicazioni Linux® (incluse le applicazioni dal Software Center) direttamente sul NAS e accedere da remoto al desktop Linux® da un browser Web. La piattaforma open-source Linux® è inoltre ideale per lo sviluppo Internet of Thing. Sicurezza completa e impostazione dei privilegi Il TS-464 è caricato con impostazioni flessibili dei privilegi e misure di sicurezza. Oltre al blocco dell’IP, verifica in 2 fasi, connessione HTTPS, sono disponibili diverse applicazioni che garantiscono una protezione ottimale del NAS contro le minacce di malware e hacker. Accesso remoto sicuro con myQNAPcloud myQNAPcloud consente la connessione al TS-464 tramite Internet senza alcuna completa impostazione DDNS. Per garantire la sicurezza del servizio di accesso remoto, myQNAPcloud rafforza le chiavi su Certificati SSL a 2048-bit. Impostazioni dei privilegi semplificate Il TS-464 supporta l’impostazione completa dei diritti di accesso per le cartelle condivise, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, e Windows ACL per aiutare il personale IT a gestire in modo efficiente gli account utente e i diritti di accesso per più sistemi NAS. Protezione QuFirewall Supporta IPv6, elenchi di accesso al firewall, e filtro GeoIP per limitare l'accesso in base alle posizioni geografiche per una maggiore sicurezza di rete del NAS. Sicurezza elevata con QVPN Una rete virtuale privata (VPN) consente l'accesso sicuro alle risorse di rete ed ai servizi sulle reti pubbliche. QVPN supporta la creazione di un client VPN, utilizzando il TS-464 come server VPN, ed il servizio WireGuard® VPN con una interfaccia facile da usare per la configurazione di una connessione sicura. QuWAN SD-WAN Per facilitare la trasformazione digitale, l’espansione multi sito e il lavoro remoto, QuWAN SD-WAN aiuta a creare automaticamente un mesh VPN multi sito. Dispone di crittografia IPsec e gestione incentrata sul cloud, che consentono di proteggere la rete multi sito inclusi NAS QNAP e piattaforme VMware ESXi. Consulente sicurezza Un portale sicurezza per il TS-464 per verificare dei punti deboli oltre a offrire consigli per il miglioramento della sicurezza del NAS. Integra inoltre un software di scansione anti-virus e anti-malware. Malware Remover Scansionare regolarmente il TS-464 usando le definizioni malware più recenti. In caso di rilevamento di file infetti, questi saranno rimossi immediatamente per garantire la sicurezza dei dati del NAS. Il miglior centro di archiviazione dei file e collaborazione Il TS-464 integra molte applicazioni per il salvataggio, gestione, sincronizzazione, ricerca e archiviazione dei file. Supporta i protocolli SMB/CIFS, AFP, e NFS per semplificare la condivisione dei file tra Windows®, Mac®, e Linux®/UNIX®, oltre a offrire una soluzione NAS intelligente per la gestione professionale dei file. Soluzione di sorveglianza intelligente con sicurezza 24/7 QVR Elite è una soluzione di sorveglianza intelligente basata su abbonamento di QNAP che consente di creare in modo semplice un sistema di sorveglianza con TCO ridotto e scalabilità elevata. Le registrazioni sono salvate come file MP4 per consentire la riproduzione su quasi tutti i dispositivi. QVR Elite integra inoltre le soluzioni basate su AI di QNAP per creare un riconoscimento intelligente dei visi per i punti vendita ed i sistemi di controllo delle porte con NAS QNAP. È possibile organizzare uno spazio di archiviazione indipendente dedicato per i dati di sorveglianza sul TS-464 e sfruttare la gestione semplificata delle telecamere, l’allocazione dello spazio di archiviazione, la visualizzazione e riproduzione dal vivo delle telecamere. Espansione flessibile ed economica dell'archiviazione QNAP offre metodi semplici per espandere la capacità di archiviazione. Di seguito diversi modi per espandere l'archiviazione del TS-464 come necessario per soddisfare la crescita dei dati e dell'azienda. Installare le unità di espansione QNAP Collegare le unità di espansione al TS-464, e gestire l’espansione dell’archiviazione del NAS grazie all’applicazione Gestione archiviazione e snapshot facile da usare. Montare l’archiviazione cloud o file server remoti Montare l’archiviazione cloud o file server remoti per espandere la capacità del TS-464 e allo stesso tempo gestire centralmente i file sul NAS, archiviazione cloud e dispositivi remoti. Migrare su un nuovo NAS Installare i dischi rigidi NAS in un NAS QNAP più grande e conservare tutti i dati e le configurazioni esistenti. Aggiornare la capacità RAID Eseguire lo swapping a caldo delle unità più piccole con unità con maggiore capacità per espandere la capacità del NAS in modo che possa crescere con l'azienda. Altre applicazioni che aumentano la produttività Il TS-464 offre un App Center che include applicazioni ricche di funzioni per espandere il potenziale del NAS! QuObjects Eseguire un ambiente di sviluppo compatibile con S3 ad alte prestazioni sul TS-464 per semplificare i flussi di lavoro di sviluppo del servizio, dal test alla produzione. È possibile spostare i dati cold dal cloud ad un QuObjects locale per risparmiare sui costi dell’archiviazione cloud. Centro notifica Consolida tutti gli eventi di sistema, avvisi e notifiche di per una gestione semplificata del NAS, restando sempre informati sullo stato del NAS. Server proxy Utilizzando un TS-464 ad alta capacità come proxy server, sarà possibile accedere efficientemente alle risorse online con maggiore ottimizzazione dei costi e produttività e migliorando, nel contempo, la sicurezza di rete. QmailAgent La migliore soluzione di backup delle e-mail che consente di eseguire in modo semplice il backup/ripristino e di gestire diversi account e-mail nel loro formato nativo con elevata sicurezza e integrità dei dati. Qcontactz Gestire centralmente tutti i contatti, importare i contatti da Google™, importare/esportare le informazioni del contatto utilizzando i file CSV o vCard e sfruttare un database sempre online con le informazioni dei contatti. QuFTP Il TS-464 può essere utilizzato come server FTP dotato di crittografia SSL/TLS, controlli della banda di QoS, e impostazione delle autorizzazioni per eseguire in modo efficiente e sicuro il trasferimento di grandi quantità di dati. È supportato anche il Client FTP. Controllo dell’integrità dei dischi rigidi I dischi sono il cuore del NAS, per questo è molto importante garantirne l’integrità e affidabilità a lungo termine. QNAP offre diversi metodi e strumenti per aiutare a monitorare l’integrità dei dischi , in modo da prendere decisioni proattive per la protezione di dati e file. Scansione S.M.A.R.T. e blocchi danneggiati Nel caso di segnalazione di anomalia di uno dei valori S.M.A.R.T., o vengono rilevati blocchi danneggiati, è possibile agire in modo tempestivo e sostituire le unità prima di potenziali perdite dei dati. DA Drive Analyzer DA Drive Analyzer sfrutta l’AI basata su cloud ULINK per predire la durata prevista dei dischi, aiutando nella pianificazione della sostituzione anticipata delle unità per proteggere contro l’inattività del NAS e la perdita dei dati. Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management Quando sono utilizzati i dischi rigidi supportati da IronWolf™ o IronWolf Pro™, il sistema viene migliorato globalmente offrendo opzioni di prevenzione, intervento e recupero attivabili.

QNAP NAS - 4-Bay desktop NAS, Intel® Celeron® N5105/N5095…

TS-464 Il NAS Intel quad-core con due porte 2,5GbE supporta la cache SSD M.2 e l’espandibilità…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-185538
EAN 4711103082324
TS-433 Build a personal private cloud & home multimedia center with a built-in NPU to boost AI-powered face recognition Run your own personal cloud storage and enjoy easy file access, sharing, and syncing with the TS-433. Designed with a 2.5GbE port to enhance collaboration and increase remote work productivity, the TS-433 also features rich multimedia applications and provides a complete home entertainment portal. Minimalist design The compact and slim TS-433 prioritizes a clean and essential design, and perfectly blends into your home or office. The design extends to the hard drives, which can be installed without needing a screwdriver. Effective cooling fan for heat flow The TS-433 is small in size and remains high-performance, cool, and quiet with an effective cooling fan. 64-bit Cortex-A55 quad-core 2.0 GHz CPU NAS for everyday use and collaboration Powered by a ARM® Cortex-A55 quad-core 2 GHz processor, built-in 4 GB RAM, one Gigabit LAN port, one 2.5 Gigabit LAN port, and supports four SATA 6Gb/s hard drives, the TS-433 provides dependable read/write performance for running various home and business NAS applications. The TS-433 features AES-NI 256 hardware-accelerated encryption for both full NAS volumes and shared folders, boosting system performance while securing sensitive data. Build a High-Speed 2.5GbE Network Environment QNAP offers comprehensive, budget-friendly storage and networking solutions that provide an array of connectivity possibilities. Easily and flexibly upgrade your workplace or home network now to handle bandwidth-hungry applications. A fast 2.5GbE NAS The TS-433 features one 2.5GbE ports. Upgrade computers and servers Servers and desktops can install PCIe-based QNAP network cards that support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Multi-Gig. Add a 5GbE port to laptops Laptops and upgrade-limited computers can use QNAP's portable USB 3.2 Gen 1 to 5GbE adapter that allows you to connect to 5G/2.5G/1G/100M networks via USB. A switch that supports 2.5GbE+ QNAP's 10GbE/NBASE-T switches support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M and allow connecting multiple workstations and devices for high-speed collaboration in device-dense environments. NPU accelerates on-device AI performance. 6x Faster face recognition. With a built-in NPU (Neural network Processing Unit) processor, the TS-433 boosts QNAP AI Core (the AI-powered engine for image recognition) performance for high-speed face and object recognition. QTS 5, Fast, smooth, and easy-to-use! The TS-433 comes with the QTS 5 operating system as standard, providing a next-generation usage experience with an updated system kernel, optimized user interface, and advanced security features. Brighter. Smoother. You’ll like it. When navigating QTS 5, you will notice a finer attention to detail for a superior browsing experience. Enjoy a smoother NAS experience, comfortable visual design, and find your favorite apps quicker. Get started with the notice board When performing first-time installation, the notice board guides you through the setup process. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions for a quick and easy setup. Smooth and reactive user interface Whether clicking buttons, switching between apps, expanding/collapsing windows – every action is much smoother. The search bar in the main menu also assists in quickly finding desired apps. An easy-to-use, all-in-one backup solution The TS-433 can do many things, but at its heart is a complete backup solution to protect your files and data. By regularly backing up your files and device content, you can make data loss a thing of the past. Back up Windows®/Mac® files For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to the TS-433. In macOS®, simply set up the built-in Time Machine® to back up files to NAS. Back up photos on mobile devices Install Qfile or QuMagie mobile app and enable the “auto-upload” function. Photos will be automatically uploaded to your TS-433 as soon as they are taken. Back up USB drives & external hard drives Simply plug in the storage device to the front USB port of the TS-433 and press the One-Touch Copy button to back up all files to the NAS. Back up Google Drive™ Hybrid Backup Sync can safely back up files and data from Google Drive™ to the TS-433, helping you save money on cloud storage costs. Back up NAS files to the cloud Hybrid Backup Sync supports all your favorite public cloud services, allowing you to effortlessly back up or sync NAS files to cloud storage. Back up NAS files to remote sites With Hybrid Backup Sync, you can easily backup or sync files and data from the TS-433 to a remote QNAP NAS or server for multiplied data protection. Back up WordPress sites Enjoy efficient WordPress backup/restore and site migration by leveraging the user-friendly Multi-Application Recovery Service (MARS), and easily batch backup WordPress files and database to the TS-433 with backup scheduling. Protect your data from ransomware threats with Snapshots Snapshots are an advanced backup method and are normally reserved for high-end business NAS. QNAP provides snapshots as standard for all NAS – including the TS-433. Snapshots work by recording the current state of the system, allowing it to be restored back this state at any time - greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. The best storage for your high-resolution multimedia files High-resolution RAW files eat up phone storage so quickly. Whether you are a photographer enthusiastic, YouTuber, or professional photo/video editors, use the TS-433 with high-capacity hard drives to alleviate your storage anxiety and organize files efficiently as the best storage center. Storage for music collections Use Music Station to collect and play lossless music, sing along with lyrics, and share albums, playlists or folders with friends and family. You can also put tons of music right in your pocket using the Qmusic mobile app. Store high-resolution videos Centrally collect GoPro diaries, videos of your family, friends, and pets in Video Station, and easily share your favorites. Take all your videos with you on your mobile devices using the Qvideo mobile app. Enhanced multimedia experience The TS-433 supports ARM NEON technology to accelerate video processing for a greater entertainment experience. Stream media files from the TS-433 to DLNA® devices and TVs using common media streaming devices including Roku®, Apple TV® (via Qmedia), Google Chromecast™, and Amazon Fire TV®. Tips for a more productive workday With a wide range of awesome apps, you can easily access files from various devices, instantly synchronize files with friends’ or colleague’s devices, quickly find specific files, and automatically organize your documents and media files. You can also map the TS-433’s shared folders as network drives on your computers, making accessing NAS files easy and intuitive. The TS-433 helps you save time while being more efficient and productive. File Station Easily manage files stored in your TS-433 using the web-based File Station. The Qfile companion mobile app also puts all your files at your fingertips, providing a complete personal cloud service that is accessible from anywhere! Qsync Qsync is a perfect replacement of Dropbox®, allowing you to synchronize files with computers and mobile devices belonging to your family, friends, colleagues, and clients. Qfiling Save time organizing and archiving your files with Qfiling. Simply categorize your files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will automatically organize and archive them. Access your NAS from anywhere The myQNAPcloud service enables quick and easy remote access to your TS-433, allowing you to be always connected without needing to configure complex network settings. With myQNAPcloud Link you are provided with a unique domain name for your TS-433, and will automatically connect using the best method based on your network environment. Protect your data with higher security The TS-433 provides advanced privacy and security settings but is easy to set up and use. Besides IP blocking and HTTPS connectivity, there are more apps that help ensure an optimal level of NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. 2-step verification When activated, anyone who logs in to the TS-433 must enter a one-time verification code after their username and password. Advanced folder permissions Easily manage folder permissions, specifying read, read/write, and deny access of individual users to each folder and subfolder. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-433 as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-433 to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Host container applications If you are curious about Docker or are a hobbyist developer, Container Station on the TS-433 integrates Docker® lightweight virtualization technology, allowing you to run all kinds of self-contained applications. You can download apps from the built-in Docker Hub®, including popular and fully-configured applications, and deploy them with just one click. From smart homes to multimedia applications, you can explore your creativity and bring containerized applications to life. Besides Container Station, more apps (including tools for backup/sync, content management, communications, download, and entertainment) are available from the App Center. Simply click and install on-demand to further extend the functionality of your TS-433. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy and affordable solutions to expand your NAS storage capacity. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-433, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-433 while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices. Migrate to a new NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations. Upgrade RAID capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your NAS capacity so it can grow with your files and multimedia collections.

QNAP NAS - 4-bay ARM 4C 2.0GHz ; 4 x SATA 6Gb/s 3.5"/2.5";…

TS-433 Build a personal private cloud & home multimedia center with a built-in NPU to boost…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181682
EAN 4711103080993
TS-410E Powerful hardware & fanless cooling 2.5GbE professional NAS. Long-term availability. The TS-410E professional 2.5GbE NAS is designed to operate in noise-sensitive environments. With a fanless design and rock-solid chassis, the TS-410E can be placed upright to save desktop space. SSD caching can also be configured for high-speed I/O to accelerate and excel in demanding applications. Quad core up to 2.6 GHz with AES-NI accelerated encryption The TS-410E is powered by Intel® Celeron® J6412 quad-core processor (burst up to 2.6 GHz) and equipped with 8 GB dual-channel memory. With hardware-accelerated AES-NI encryption, the TS-410E also provides unmatched encryption performance while ensuring the safety of sensitive business data stored in the NAS. The TS-410E has four 2.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s SSD slots for allocating SSDs to greatly boost IOPS to meet the performance requirements of demanding applications. Long-term availability The TS-410E will be available and supported for an extended period, making it an ideal choice for MSP, SI, and other IT-related businesses and commercial use requiring matching NAS models for long-term projects. Expertly crafted multimedia center The ultra-silent TS-410E can be placed upright, fitting perfectly alongside your TV, receiver, game consoles, and other elements of a modern digital lifestyle. Equipped with two USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-A ports and an 4K HDMI output, the TS-410E provides all the necessary connections for consolidating and enjoying an amazing multimedia experience. Build a high-speed 2.5GbE network environment QNAP offers comprehensive, budget-friendly storage and networking solutions that open vast connection possibilities. Easily and flexibly upgrade your workplace or home network now to handle bandwidth-hungry applications. A fast 2.5GbE NAS 2.5GbE is 2.5 times faster than standard Ethernet (1GbE), allowing you to use existing CAT5e cables as normal and increasing network performance to boost productivity. Upgrade computers and servers Servers and desktops can install PCIe QNAP network cards that support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Multi-Gig. Add a 5GbE port to laptops Laptops and upgrade-limited computers can use QNAP’s portable USB 3.2 Gen 1 to 5GbE adapter that allows you to connect to 5G/2.5G/1G/100M networks via USB. A switch that supports 2.5GbE+ QNAP’s 2.5GbE/10GbE Multi-Gigabit switches allow connecting multiple workstations and devices. Enhance productivity with multiple USB ports With four USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) ports, you can quickly backup and transfer large files to/from the TS-410E. A wide range of USB devices, such as external hard drives or Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are supported to provide greater functionality and application potential. Direct 4K HDMI output for multimedia and virtual machines The TS-410E features Intel® UHD Graphics that supports hardware decoding and real-time transcoding*. The HDMI output supports up to 4K @30Hz, providing great benefits for applications like video production/editing or industrial design that demands high resolution as well as intensive media storage, transfer, and display. By connecting the TS-410E to an HDMI display, you can operate virtual machines from Virtualization Station or Linux Station, or directly watch multimedia content saved on the NAS. Smart surveillance solution for 24/7 security QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-410E and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Free embedded channels 2 IP camera channels Total camera channels Scalable with optional licenses Subscription-based Monthly US $1.99 /channel Video format MP4 Mobile app QVR Pro Client and mobile app Scalable storage NAS expansion units QTS 5, Fast, smooth, and easy-to-use! The TS-410E comes with the QTS 5 operating system as standard, providing a next-generation usage experience with an updated system kernel, optimized user interface, and advanced security features. Brighter. Smoother. You’ll like it. When navigating QTS 5, you will notice a finer attention to detail for a superior browsing experience. Enjoy a smoother NAS experience, comfortable visual design, and find your favorite apps quicker. Get started with the notice board When performing first-time installation, the notice board guides you through the setup process. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions for a quick and easy setup. Smooth and reactive user interface Whether clicking buttons, switching between apps, expanding/collapsing windows – every action is much smoother. The search bar in the main menu also assists in quickly finding desired apps. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-410E supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-410E to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. SaaS backup Safeguard enterprise cloud data by backing up/syncing files, emails, calendars, and contacts from Google™ Workspace and Microsoft® Office 365® to the NAS. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-410E supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Volume and LUN snapshots Take snapshots in seconds and revert the entire volume/LUN back to a specific point in time to prevent loss of important data. Instantly restore snapshots Snapshot content can be quickly restored to a local NAS, or restored on a folder/file basis to a local/remote NAS or cloud storage. You can also conveniently view and restore snapshots from the client side. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-410E to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-410E integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-410E and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-410E available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. The best storage for your high-resolution multimedia files High-resolution RAW files eat up phone storage so quickly. Whether you are a photographer enthusiastic, YouTuber, or professional photo/video editors, use the TS-410E with high-capacity hard drives to alleviate your storage anxiety and organize files efficiently as the best storage center. Storage for massive photos The AI-powered QuMagie with intelligent face and object recognition brings you the ultimate photo management and sharing solution. Includes timeline scrolling, customizable folder covers, iOS® Live Photo display, a powerful search tool, and more. Storage for music collections Use Music Station to collect and play lossless music, sing along with lyrics, and share albums, playlists or folders with friends and family. You can also put tons of music right in your pocket using the Qmusic mobile app. Store high-resolution videos Centrally collect GoPro diaries, videos of your family, friends, and pets in Video Station, and easily share your favorites. Take all your videos with you on your mobile devices using the Qvideo mobile app. Stream all your media to every device in the house The TS-410E is a complete multimedia center, allowing fast and easy streaming for photos, music and video to TVs, computers and mobile devices. Plex multimedia streaming By installing Plex® Media Server from the App Center, you can stream media files stored on the TS-410E to mobiles and media streaming devices (including DLNA®, Roku®, Amazon Fire TV® and Google Chromecast™). Stream to Android TV™ or Apple TV® Qmedia is QNAP’s exclusive streaming app, allowing streaming audio, photos, and videos from the TS-410E to Android TV™, Apple TV® (via Qmedia) or set-top boxes. Access your NAS from anywhere The myQNAPcloud service enables quick and easy remote access to your TS-410E, allowing you to be always connected without needing to configure complex network settings. With myQNAPcloud Link you are provided with a unique domain name for your TS-410E, and will automatically connect using the best method based on your network environment. Protect your data with higher security The TS-410E provides advanced privacy and security settings but is easy to set up and use. Besides IP blocking and HTTPS connectivity, there are more apps that help ensure an optimal level of NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. Advanced folder permissions Easily manage folder permissions, specifying read, read/write, and deny access of individual users to each folder and subfolder. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-410E to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Malware Remover Regularly scan your TS-410E using the latest malware definitions. If infected files are detected, they will be immediately removed to ensure NAS data security. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-410E, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. The open-source Linux® platform is also ideal for Internet of Things development. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-410E storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-410E, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-410E while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices.

QNAP TS-473 NAS Tower Ethernet LAN Black

TS-410E Powerful hardware & fanless cooling 2.5GbE professional NAS. Long-term availability. The…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181521
EAN 4711103082010
TS-i410X Wide temperature & fanless 10GbE industrial NAS for harsh environments. Long-term availability. With a fanless design and rock-solid chassis, the TS-i410X industrial grade NAS is designed for harsh environments. The TS-i410X can operate in temperatures of -40 ~ 70 Celsius (-40°F ~ 158°F) while its 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply is ideal for factories, warehouses, transportation, and other rugged operating environments. Quad cores up to 3.0 GHz with AES-NI accelerated encryption The TS-i410X is powered by Intel® Atom® x6425E quad-core processor (burst up to 3.0 GHz) and equipped with 8 GB dual-channel memory. With hardware-accelerated AES-NI encryption, the TS-i410X also provides unmatched encryption performance while ensuring the safety of sensitive business data stored in the NAS. The TS-i410X has four 2.5-inch SATA 6Gb/s SSD slots for allocating SSDs (industrial SSDs are recommended) to greatly boost IOPS to meet the performance requirements of demanding applications. Long-term availability The TS-i410X will be available and supported for an extended period, making it an ideal choice for MSP, SI, and other IT-related businesses and commercial use requiring matching NAS models for long-term projects. Industrial-grade hardened hardware design with 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply With a fanless design and rock-solid chassis and compliant with the military-grade MIL-STD-810H the TS-i410X can operate in -40 ~ 70 Celsius (-40°F ~ 158°F) environments. It can be used as a set-top box, or used with the optional VESA 75 wall-mount to provide installation flexibility. With the 9V ~ 36V DC wide-range power supply, the TS-i410X is suitable for industrial and transportation applications with a variety of input voltage requirements. Use with industrial wide temperature SSDs When using industrial wide temperature SSDs, adjust the disk warning setting to 85°C (185°F) in the Storage & Snapshots to match the upper limit of SSD operating temperature. (The default temperature is 70°C for SSDs) Build a high-speed 10GbE network environment The TS-i410X provides two 10GBASE-T (10G/5G/2.5G/1G) ports. With QNAP’s comprehensive, budget-friendly storage and networking solutions you can easily and flexibly upgrade workplace or home networks to handle bandwidth-hungry applications. A fast 10GbE NAS A QNAP NAS featuring one or more 10GbE ports, and Port Trunking allows you to combine multiple ports for greater bandwidth potential. Upgrade computers and servers Servers and desktops can install PCIe QNAP network cards that support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Multi-Gig. Add a 10GbE port to laptops Laptops can use QNAP’s portable Thunderbolt™ to 10GbE adapter to upgrade to 10GbE via Thunderbolt™ 3. A 10GbE switch QNAP’s 10GbE Multi-Gigabit switches support 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M and allow connecting multiple workstations and devices. The industrial-grade full 10GbE switch QSW-IM1200-8C is recommended for high-speed network deployment in rugged industrial environments. Paired with an industrial-grade 10GbE switch Boost your entire network performance with 10GbE! QNAP’s QSW-IM1200-8C industrial-grade full 10GbE switch is a perfect match for the TS-i410X to accelerate high-speed and reliable network deployment in the rugged environments. The QSW-IM1200-8C switch features a robust industrial-grade hardware design, provides Layer 2 management functions with a user-friendly interface, and comes with redundant DC power for reliable operations, fulfilling bandwidth-demanding tasks for the variable industrial network environments. Multiple USB ports for UPS, and more With four USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10Gbps) ports, you can quickly backup and transfer large files to/from the TS-i410X. A wide range of USB devices, such as external hard drive or uninterruptible power supply (UPS), are also supported to provide greater functionality and application potential. Direct 4K HDMI output for multimedia and virtual machines The TS-i410X features Intel® UHD Graphics that supports hardware decoding and real-time transcoding*. The HDMI output supports up to 4K @30Hz, providing great benefits for applications like video production/editing or industrial design that demands high resolution as well as intensive media storage, transfer and display. By connecting the TS-i410X to an HDMI display, you can operate virtual machines from Virtualization Station or Linux Station, or directly watch multimedia content saved on the NAS. Leverage the M.2 SSD to 2.5-inch SATA Adapter Install one or more QDA-A2MAR adapter in the TS-i410X to maximize the storage utilization of available 2.5-inch drive bays by using M.2 SATA SSDs. It boosts storage efficiency by creating SSD volumes, tiered-storage environment with Qtier technology, or SSD caching. Users can monitor drive health and manage SSD usage from the QTS Storage & Snapshots Manager. Smart surveillance solution for 24/7 security QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-i410X and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Free embedded channels 2 IP camera channels Total camera channels Scalable with optional licenses Subscription-based Monthly US $1.99 /channel Video format MP4 Mobile app QVR Pro Client and mobile app Scalable storage NAS expansion units QTS 5, Fast, smooth, and easy-to-use! The TS-i410X comes with the QTS 5 operating system as standard, providing a next-generation usage experience with an updated system kernel, optimized user interface, and advanced security features. Brighter. Smoother. You’ll like it. When navigating QTS 5, you will notice a finer attention to detail for a superior browsing experience. Enjoy a smoother NAS experience, comfortable visual design, and find your favorite apps quicker. Get started with the notice board When performing first-time installation, the notice board guides you through the setup process. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions for a quick and easy setup. Smooth and reactive user interface Whether clicking buttons, switching between apps, expanding/collapsing windows – every action is much smoother. The search bar in the main menu also assists in quickly finding desired apps. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-i410X supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-i410X to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-i410X supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Volume and LUN snapshots Take snapshots in seconds and revert the entire volume/LUN back to a specific point in time to prevent loss of important data. Instantly restore snapshots Snapshot content can be quickly restored to a local NAS, or restored on a folder/file basis to a local/remote NAS or cloud storage. You can also conveniently view and restore snapshots from the client side. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-i410X to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-i410X integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-i410X and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-i410X available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-i410X is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. Simplified privilege settings The TS-i410X supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-i410X as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-i410X to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-i410X, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. The open-source Linux® platform is also ideal for Internet of Things development. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-i410X storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-i410X, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-i410X while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices.

QNAP TS-473 NAS Tower Ethernet LAN Black

TS-i410X Wide temperature & fanless 10GbE industrial NAS for harsh environments. Long-term…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181384
EAN 4711103081464
TS-453E Dual 2.5GbE, 8GB RAM, and long-term availability The TS-453E features 2.5GbE connectivity, 8GB RAM, and M.2 slots for NVMe SSD caching to deliver high performance for applications such as surveillance systems, virtual machines, file servers or backup servers. Dual HDMI outputs also provide direct multimedia playback and robust surveillance monitoring. QNAP will provide long-term availability and support for the TS-453E, providing a great choice for businesses requiring matching NAS models deployed in multiple locations. Processor Intel® Celeron® J6412 quad-core processor (burst up to 2.6GHz) RAM Onboard 8GB (non-expandable) Encryption The Intel® AES-NI encryption engine boosts encryption performance while maintaining the confidentiality of NAS data. USB ports • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen2 • 2 x USB 2.0 Long-term availability The TS-453E is powered by an Intel® Celeron® J6412 processor and will be available and supported for an extended period. This long-term availability makes the TS-453E an ideal choice for MSP, SI, and other IT-related businesses requiring matching NAS models for long-term projects. 24/7 surveillance solution for stores and branch offices The TS-453E is a one-stop surveillance solution for centrally recording/managing multiple cameras and surveillance servers based in your offices, stores, and other working Record/monitor your environment QVR Elite is QNAP’s subscription-based smart surveillance solution, allowing you to easily build a surveillance system with lower TCO and higher scalability. Recordings are saved as MP4 files, allowing playback on nearly every device. QVR Elite also integrates QNAP AI-based solutions to build smart facial recognition for retail and door access systems with QNAP NAS. You can arrange a dedicated, independent storage space for surveillance data on the TS-453E and enjoy simplified camera management, storage space allocation, camera live viewing and playback. Centrally manage up to 32 surveillance servers If your business requires simultaneously managing multiple recording servers, then install QVR Center on the TS-453E. With QVR Center you can manage up to 32 surveillance servers and 10,000+ cameras with an easy-to-use interface. Faster image identification with integrated Intel® OpenVINO™ AI engine. With integrated Intel® OpenVINO™ AI computing resources, the TS-453E accelerates AI image recognition performance without impacting other applications or services. QNAP AI Core primarily works with the QuMagie application. Transform your network with a wallet-friendly 2.5GbE switch Upgrading your network shouldn’t break the bank, and 2.5GbE connectivity provides immediately noticeable improvements compared to standard 1GbE. QNAP offers 2.5GbE switches that supports Multi-Gigabit NBASE-T™ and allows you to use existing CAT5e cables to connect multiple computers and NAS, assisting organizations in implementing high-speed, secure and scalable network environments without going over budget. Dual 4K HDMI outputs for surveillance monitoring or multimedia display The TS-453E supports hardware decoding and real-time transcoding*. The dual HDMI outputs support up to 4K (3840 x 2160p) @30Hz, providing great benefits for applications like surveillance, video production/editing, industrial design and professional photography that demand on-image resolution and color realism as well as intensive media storage, transfer and display. Comprehensive backup and disaster recovery solution The TS-453E supports various apps that cover all your backup needs. Practice safe IT habits by regularly backing up files and device content, allowing them to be easily restored when needed. PC/Laptop backup For Windows®, install NetBak Replicator to back up your PC to QNAP NAS. In macOS®, just set up the built-in Time Machine® to secure your data. Remote backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync makes it easy to back up data from a TS-453E to another QNAP NAS or remote server to fulfill your 3-2-1 backup strategy. VM backup Enjoy license-free VMware® and Hyper-V VM backup with source-side incremental backup, global deduplication, and recovery compression. SaaS backup Safeguard enterprise cloud data by backing up/syncing files, emails, calendars, and contacts from Google™ Workspace and Microsoft® Office 365® to the NAS. Cloud backup for NAS Hybrid Backup Sync supports mainstream cloud storage for NAS data backup. For backup to object cloud storage, VJBOD Cloud is especially useful to reduce bandwidth usage and backup time. QuDedup technology Hybrid Backup Sync eliminates redundant data at the source and then backs up the deduplicated data, helping to save time and storage costs while providing efficient multi-version backups. WordPress backup Enjoy efficient WordPress backup/restore and site migration by leveraging the user-friendly Multi-Application Recovery Service (MARS), and easily batch backup WordPress files and database to the TS-453E with backup scheduling. Multi-version snapshots mitigate ransomware threats The TS-453E supports block-based snapshots that record the state of the system at any time. It helps protect data, which can be restored back to a specific point of time, greatly helping in mitigating the threat of ransomware. Volume and LUN snapshots Take snapshots in seconds and revert the entire volume/LUN back to a specific point in time to prevent loss of important data. Instantly restore snapshots Snapshot content can be quickly restored to a local NAS, or restored on a folder/file basis to a local/remote NAS or cloud storage. You can also conveniently view and restore snapshots from the client side. Back up snapshots Multiply data protection by backing up snapshot files! Replicate volume/LUN snapshots in the TS-453E to a remote NAS (Snapshot Replica) by copying only the changes made. This helps save time & bandwidth, and can be run manually or on a scheduled basis. All-in-one solution for hosting virtual machines and containers By running multiple virtual machines and containers on the TS-453E, you can deploy multi-tenant environments and applications to increase management efficiency and save hardware costs. Coupled with the Network & Virtual Switch app that boosts interoperability between virtual machines, containers, QNAP NAS, and other physical devices on the network, you can flexibly allocate physical and virtual network resources to simplify network deployment. Virtualization Station Run multiple Windows®, Linux®, UNIX®, Android™, and QuTScloud virtual machines and access them via a web browser or Virtual Network Computing (VNC). Businesses can run virtualized server applications on a single NAS without needing additional physical servers. Conainer Station Experience Docker®, LXD, and Kata Containers lightweight virtualization technologies, download apps from the built-in Docker Hub Registry®, import/export containers, and create abundant microservices. Linux Station Run Linux® applications (including apps from the Software Center) directly on the NAS and remotely access the Linux® desktop from a web browser. The open-source Linux® platform is also ideal for Internet of Things development. Comprehensive security and privilege settings The TS-453E is loaded with flexible privilege settings and security measures. Besides IP blocking, 2-step verification, HTTPS connection, there are more apps that help ensure optimal NAS protection against threats like malware and hackers. myQNAPcloud secures remote access myQNAPcloud allows convenient connection to the TS-453E through the Internet without any complex DDNS settings. To ensure your remote access service is secure, myQNAPcloud strengthens keys on SSL Certificates to 2048-bits. Simplified privilege settings The TS-453E supports comprehensive access right settings for shared folders, Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), LDAP, and Windows ACL to help IT staff efficiently manage user accounts and access rights for multiple NAS systems. QuFirewall protection Supports IPv6, firewall access lists, and GeoIP filtering to restrict access based on geographical locations for higher NAS network security. Superior security with QVPN A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. QVPN supports creating a VPN client, using the TS-453E as a VPN server, and WireGuard® VPN service with an easy-to-use interface for setting up a secure connection. QuWAN SD-WAN To facilitate digital transformation, multi-site expansion and remote working, QuWAN SD-WAN helps automatically mesh multi-site VPN. It features IPsec encryption and cloud-centric management, allowing secure multi-site network including QNAP NAS and VMware ESXi platforms. Security Counselor A security portal for the TS-453E to check for weaknesses and offer recommendations for enhancing NAS security. It also integrates anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software. Malware Remover Regularly scan your TS-453E using the latest malware definitions. If infected files are detected, they will be immediately removed to ensure NAS data security. TeamViewer remote access TeamViewer app enables remote management and connectivity to multiple NAS devices from Windows® PCs with an unparalleled level of safety, while increasing IT efficiency and end user productivity. The best file storage and collaboration center The TS-453E integrates rich apps for storing, managing, synchronizing, searching, and archiving files. It supports SMB/CIFS, AFP, and NFS protocols for streamlined file sharing across Windows®, Mac®, and Linux®/UNIX®, and provides the smartest NAS solution for professionally managing your files. File Station Manage, access, and share all the files in the TS-453E and view snapshots files – all from your web browser. You can also easily mount remote NAS folders and cloud storage. Qsync Make any file uploaded to a TS-453E available to linked devices, such as computers, laptops and mobile devices. You can sync shared folders and team folders for group file sharing to enhance the flexibility of team projects and collaboration. Qsirch QNAP’s powerful, Google-like search tool helps you quickly find images, music, videos, documents, and emails by keywords, color, and more search conditions. It also supports Qfiling to perform one-time or automatic archival tasks based on your search criteria. Qfiling Automate your file organization ? all you need to do is categorize files, set a schedule, and Qfiling will do the rest. Qfiling also enables smart recycling that instantly moves filtered files to the Recycle Bin. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy ways to expand your storage capacity. Here are several ways to expand your TS-453E storage as needed to accommodate data and business growth. Attach QNAP expansion enclosures Connect expansion enclosures to the TS-453E, and manage NAS storage expansion with the user-friendly Storage & Snapshots Manager app. Mount cloud storage or remote file servers Mount cloud storage or remote file servers to expand the capacity of the TS-453E while also centrally managing files on the NAS, cloud storage, and remote devices. Migrate to a new NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations. Upgrade RAID capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your NAS capacity so it can grow with your business. A health check for your hard drives Hard drives are at the heart of your NAS, and ensuring their long-term health and reliability is absolutely crucial. QNAP provides various methods and tools to help you monitor hard drive health, ensuring that you can take proactive decisions to safeguard your data and files. S.M.A.R.T. and back block scanning If any of the S.M.A.R.T. values are reported as abnormal, or bad blocks are detected, you can take early action and replace drives before potential data loss occurs. DA Drive Analyzer The DA Drive Analyzer leverages ULINK cloud-based AI to predict the expected lifespan of drives, assisting you in planning future drive replacements to protect against NAS downtime and data loss. Seagate® IronWolf™ Health Management When using supported IronWolf™ or IronWolf Pro™ hard drives, overall system reliability is improved by providing you with actionable prevention, intervention, and recovery options.

QNAP TS-473 NAS Tower Ethernet LAN Black

TS-453E Dual 2.5GbE, 8GB RAM, and long-term availability The TS-453E features 2.5GbE connectivity,…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-181410
EAN 4711103082164
QNAP’s QGD-1600P is the world’s first PoE managed switch that supports Virtual Machines (VMs). It features 4-port 60-watt and 12-port 30-watt Gigabit PoE (with two PoE/SFP Combo ports) for highly flexible networking environment deployment. With a dual-CPU design, the QGD-1600P provides both Layer 2 management functions for VM and QTS applications. The QGD-1600P also features Software-Defined Networking (SDN), enabling it to function as a NAS, NVR, router, firewall and AP controller for IP surveillance, network security, storage expansion, and wireless LAN management applications. Therefore, the Guardian series offers SMBs a cost-optimized and centrally managed LAN deployment solution. The QGD-1600P is a hybrid PoE switch/NAS that enables NVR, router, and AP controller functions and comes pre-installed with various software to satisfy all SMB networking requirements. The PoE switch can help your business initiate digital transformation by making edge devices intelligent. High PoE Capability– up to 60W The QGD-1600P is compliant with the latest IEEE 802.3bt PoE++ and IEEE 802.3at PoE+ standards, offering 4-port 60-watt and 12-port 30-watt Gigabit PoE capability. The QGD-1600P can supply a total power budget of 370 watts to meet the demands of many high-power devices (PDs), such as IP cameras, wireless APs, IP phones, LED lights, and digital signage. Intelligent PoE Functions for Efficient, Centralized PD Management The QGD-1600P supports intelligent PoE management functions, including scheduling, power supply prioritization, and power enabling and disabling. You can obtain the real-time network connection status and power consumption information of PDs and configure PDs simultaneously to promote an energy-saving PoE network. Comprehensive Layer 2 Management Features The QGD-1600P provides comprehensive Layer 2 management features such as VLAN, LACP, and LLDP for you to efficiently control the network through IP grouping and bandwidth management. The QGD-1600P also has powerful security functions, including IGMP Snooping, static MAC, QoS, and Wake-on-LAN, which are suitable for simple networking environments and easy deployment. Dual-system of Switch & NAS, enabling optimum performance The QGD-1600P features dual-system design, multi-port capability and expandable architecture, enabling optimum transmission and flexibility to fulfill business needs in performance and application diversification. The First PoE Switch with VM Support The QGD-1600P is the world’s first PoE switch with the QTS operating system built in for VM, container, and other cloud applications, enabling diverse networking and storage solutions. In addition to QVR Pro, VJBOD, and other diverse storage applications, the QTS App Center also supports VMs for running many open-source software applications, including MikroTik® RouterOS, OpenWrt, pfSense®, and Ubiquiti® UniFi®. Integrated with public cloud services, the QGD-1600P meets the needs of various applications in IP surveillance, storage expansion, network security, and wireless LAN management. The QGD-1600P dual-CPU design enables you to run the networking management interfaces of QSS (QNAP Switch System) and QTS independently. The QGD-1600P offers a user-friendly web interface, QuNetSwitch, to help SMBs easily deploy a flexible and secure IT infrastructure. QTS and QSS can work independently without interfering each other to ensure continuous operation. For example, when restarting the QTS, the QSS PoE power supply will not be interrupted; when rebooting the QSS, the VMs on QTS will keep running. The QGD-1600P and QVR Pro Make a One-Stop IP Surveillance System The QGD-1600P works seamlessly with QVR Pro, QNAP’s new surveillance software service, to help build the most cost-effective one-stop IP surveillance system. By integrating PoE, NVR, and NAS storage functions, the QGD-1600P significantly simplifies the surveillance network infrastructure while satisfying the requirements for surveillance deployment, central management, video recording and computing. The QGD-1600P offers 4-port 60-watt and 12-port 30-watt Gigabit PoE to different brands of high-power IP Cameras with the ONVIF standard. Through QVR Pro Surveillance Suite, IT administrators can easily manage cameras, record and play back videos, failover recording tasks, and monitor mobile apps. The QGD-1600P is equipped with an HDMI output to connect an external monitor for real-time surveillance video monitoring. QGD-1600P + VJBOD: A Highly Scalable Storage Solution The QGD-1600P supports up to two SATA drives and other hardware-based storage expansion accessories, such as PCIe, USB, SAS expansion cards and RAID Expansion Enclosure (TR-004U) to provide reliable performance. Additionally, you can expand the storage space of the QGD-1600P via QNAP VJBOD. VJBOD allows you to instantly allocate storage space from a remote QNAP NAS as an iSCSI LUN and create storage pools, take snapshots, create clones from snapshots, or index multimedia files in the media library on the QGD-1600P. With the expansion availability of physical units and VJBOD, you can attain the highest possible storage utilization to fulfill volume data storage and backup needs. QGD-1600P: Enhance Security with an Integrated Virtual Router and Virtual Firewall The QGD-1600P can be easily transformed into a security router with a firewall via virtual router and virtual firewall software by installing MikroTik RouterOS and OpenWrt. You can flexibly configure Layer 3 routing functions and create site-to-site VPN tunnels between headquarters and branch offices while securing enterprise network data transmissions. The virtual firewall software pfSense helps enterprises separate or protect local networks and apply multiple security policies. The QGD-1600P Creates a Wireless AP Controller With UniFi® AP The QGD-1600P offers 4-port 60-watt and 12-port 30-watt Gigabit PoE for various types of high-power PoE wireless APs. Adopting PoE and VM technology to support PoE wireless APs and the Ubiquiti wireless LAN management software UniFi, the QGD-1600P becomes a hardware-based and software-based wireless AP controller. The QGD-1600P enables not only data transmission and PoE management over wireless APs, but also central management over wired and wireless networking devices in offices, hotels, retail stores, or other small-to-medium-sized networks, greatly promoting the effectiveness of network management and reducing costs. QuNetSwitch: User-Friendly Switch Management Software Aside from QNAP Switch System (QSS), the QGD-1600P also offers QuNetSwitch (via QTS), a user-friendly web interface networking management software application to help IT administrators efficiently control Layer 2 management and PoE networks. Additionally, the overview dashboard and graphical statistics analysis area displays all the information about the switch and PDs at a glance, making centralized management of over--powered devices intuitive and easy for administrators. - QGD-1600P is compliant with the latest IEEE 802.3bt PoE++ and IEEE 802.3at PoE+ standards, and offers 4-port 60-watt and 12-port 30-watt Gigabit PoE capability. QGD-1600P can supply a total power budget of 370 watts to meet the demands of high-powered devices (PDs) - QGD-1600P provides comprehensive Layer 2 management features, such as VLAN, LACP, QoS IGMP Snooping, and Wake-on-LAN for IT administrators to efficiently control the network bandwidth and enhance security via the user-friendly switch management web interface - QuNetSwitch offers a user-friendly web interface to help IT administrators efficiently control Layer 2 and PoE networks. Additionally, the overview dashboard and graphical statistics analysis show IT administrators all switch information and pored devices at a glance, making central management of high-power devices intuitive and easy - Supports up to two SATA drives - PCIe expandability allows for 10GbE network cards, QM2 dual-port M.2 SSD/10GbE cards, USB 3.1 Gen 2 (10Gbps) cards, or Wireless Adapters - Host containerized applications and virtual machines with various operating systems. Flexibly install virtual router, firewall, or wireless LAN management software for various networking management applications

QNAP QGD-1600P Managed Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) Black,Grey Power…

QNAP’s QGD-1600P is the world’s first PoE managed switch that supports Virtual Machines (VMs).…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-154378
EAN 4713213518427
NAS PMI quad-core 1,7GHz con porte 10GbE SFP+ e 2,5GbE RJ45 integrate per una connettività ad alta velocità Il TS-431X3 quad-core offre quattro vani unità per uno spazio di archiviazione ad alta capacità con memoria espandibile fino ad 8GB di RAM per venire incontro alle esigenze di backup dei dati, recupero e archiviazione centralizzata delle PMI. La porta 10GbE SFP+ integrata offre una banda elevata per trasmissioni intensive di dati. Abbinato ad uno switch QNAP 10GbE, è possibile creare un ambiente di rete veloce a 10GbE. Il TS-431X3 dispone inoltre di una porta 2,5GbE RJ45 e una porta 1GbE RJ45 per migliorare la condivisione dei file tra i team e l’efficienza della collaborazione. Il TS-431X3 offre il backup locale, remoto ed in cloud oltre alla tecnologia Snapshot per aiutare a creare un piano di backup e disaster recovery affidabile. Nel caso di crash del sistema o di eliminazione involontaria di un file, è possibile ripristinare rapidamente il sistema al suo stato normale. Gestito da un processore AnnapurnaLabs AL-314 1,7 GHz con 4 GB di RAM DDR3L (espandibile a 8 GB), il TS-431X3 dispone di una porta 10 GbE SFP+, una porta 2,5 GbE RJ45 e una porta Gigabit che consentono di sfruttare velocità di trasferimento elevate utilizzando i cavi CAT5e o CAT6 RJ45 nella rete. Abbinato ad uno switch della serie QSW della QNAP, è possibile creare in modo semplice una rete affidabile ad alta velocità. È anche possibile utilizzare il laptop con un adattatore QNAP da USB 3.2 Gen 1 a 5GbE (QNA-UC5G1T) o il desktop con una scheda di espansione di rete QNAP 5GbE (QXG-5G1T-111C) e collegare direttamente la porta 2,5GbE del TS-431X3 per velocità di trasferimento fino a 2,5 volte più rapide.

QNAP NAS TS-431X3-4G, 4 Bay NAS, Annapurna Labs AL314 Quad core…

NAS PMI quad-core 1,7GHz con porte 10GbE SFP+ e 2,5GbE RJ45 integrate per una connettività ad alta…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-152304
EAN 4713213516867
TS-431KX Budget-friendly quad-core 1.7GHz 10GbE SFP+ NAS for SMB and startup offices high-speed network storage environment The quad-core TS-431KX provides four drive bays for high-capacity storage and memory expansion up to 8GB RAM. With the built-in 10GbE SFP+ port, the TS-431KX delivers high bandwidth required for intensive data transmission. Coupled with the QNAP 10GbE switch, you can easily build a high-speed 10GbE network environment with an affordable budget. The TS-431KX provides comprehensive local, off-site and cloud backup and supports Snapshot technology to help you create a reliable backup and disaster recovery plan. High-speed 10GbE network environment Powered by AnnapurnaLabs AL-214 quad-core 1.7 GHz processor with 2 GB DDR3L RAM (single memory slot, expandable to 8 GB), the TS-431KX features one 10 GbE SFP+ port and two Gigabit ports for high-speed data transfer. Coupled with QNAP QSW series network switch, you can easily upgrade your network environment to 10GbE affordably to enjoy streamlined workflow. Easily Create a High-speed Network Environment 10GbE improves overall network performance and everyday tasks with ten times the bandwidth of 1GbE. From 10GbE NAS, to switches, to network adapters, QNAP provides a complete range of everything needed to upgrade to 10GbE environments. Multi-point file backup, access and sync HBS (Hybrid Backup Sync) consolidates data backup, recovery, and data synchronization, integrated with the TS-431KX high-speed 10GbE connectivity, you can easily backup or sync data to another QNAP NAS, remote server or cloud storage to build a reliable disaster recovery solution. Qsync turns the TS-431KX into a secure, high-capacity data center for file synchronization. Any file uploaded to the TS-431KX will be made available for all linked devices, such as computers, laptops, and mobile devices. You can also sync shared folders or create team folders to enhance team collaboration. Boost productivity with QNAP applications QNAP File Station provides centralized file management allowing you to view and manage files on your TS-431KX and other storage or devices (such as USB storages or mobile devices). Qfiling can help you automate file organization, while Qsirch can accelerate file searches. You can also use the Qfile mobile app to access NAS files from a mobile device. Qfiling Qfiling automates file organization. Files are automatically archived into folders based on your settings. Qsirch Qsirch quickly finds images, music, videos, documents, emails, and other files based on keywords, colors and other different filters. Qfile Qfile mobile app allows you to access NAS files from a mobile device anytime anywhere while allowing you to upload and backup files on your phone to a NAS. Easy Photo Management with QuMagie-Enabled AI Automated Photo Categorization QuMagie brings you a brand-new photo management experience. By integrating an AI deep-learning algorithm, QuMagie enables facial recognition, object identification, and geography tagging of photos on your NAS. Similar photos are grouped together in the AI Albums (i.e., People, Things, and Places). Other useful features include a built-in timeline scroll, customizable folder covers, and a powerful search tool, providing you with the ultimate photo management and sharing solution. Protects your sensitive data with file encryption When sharing sensitive or confidential files on your TS-431KX, you can enhance data security by using File Station to encrypt them into .qenc files and set a password. The file recipients need to download and install QENC Decrypter on their computers and enter the password to decrypt, view and use encrypted .qenc files. Protect data against malware with Snapshots Snapshots help protect your data by fully recording the NAS system state and metadata. If a file is accidentally deleted or modified, you can use snapshots from the Storage & Snapshots Manager or the File Station to quickly restore files to its previously-recorded state. QNAP snapshots are block-based and only record modified data. Not only does this save storage space, but it also reduces the time required to back up and restore data. The TS-431KX supports up to 32 snapshots per volume or LUN, and up to 64 snapshots in total. Take full control of NAS system status and data security Notification Center consolidates all QTS system events and alerts, providing you with a single-app solution for notifications. Security Counselor can evaluate and recommend TS-431KX security settings to improve NAS security. Comprehensive surveillance solution for 24/7 security Surveillance Station features a user-friendly interface, supports over 3,000 compatible IP cameras, and provides expandable IP camera channel licenses, allowing you to build a comprehensive surveillance system for real-time monitoring, video and audio recording and playback. You can use the Vmobile app on your mobile devices to manage the monitored channels anytime anywhere. You can also use the QUSBCam2 App to add USB cameras into the Surveillance Station to view real-time images, store recordings for playback, enabling you to build a surveillance system economically. Host container applications Container Station integrates both LXC and Docker® lightweight virtualization technologies. You can download apps from the built-in Docker Hub®, easily import or export container apps, manage access controls and rapidly deploy application services across several platforms including the cloud, servers, and PCs. Flexible and economical storage expansion QNAP provides easy storage capacity expansion solutions. Here are several ways to expand your NAS storage to accommodate data and business growth: Upgrade RAID Capacity Hot-swap lower-capacity drives with larger-capacity drives to expand your QNAP NAS capacity so it can grow with your business. Attach Expansion Enclosures* Connect 2 RAID expansion enclosures (TR-004 or TR-002) or 2 USB 3.2 Gen 2 JBOD (TL-D800C) and use the QTS Storage & Snapshots Manager to easily handle NAS capacity expansion. Migrate to a New NAS Install your NAS hard drives into a larger QNAP NAS and retain all your existing data and configurations.

QNAP NAS TS-431KX-2G, 4 Bay NAS, Annapurna Labs AL214 Quad core…

TS-431KX Budget-friendly quad-core 1.7GHz 10GbE SFP+ NAS for SMB and startup offices high-speed…
Brand: QNAP
Code: ART-146416
EAN 4713213516782
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